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Everything posted by Alpine_Dreamer

  1. Hey Oly - sorry, I'm not gonna be at SG tomorrow night to be your belay beyotch for "The Test - Take 3". Bummed I'm going to missed the spectacle of your orange tights (you've got to do it). Wait a week. Or better yet - move this to the events forum! You may get plenty of belay offers. . .
  2. Great story, Oly. I still remember the first time I walked into SG, hopped on a V1, and promptly fell right on my ass. After a few humiliating moments like this, you stop givin' a shit about everyone else in the gym and focus on what you're doing. Amazing what that extra focus can do for your climbing. Wear brightly colored lycra - it'll speed the process. Z-clipping is embarrasing, but whatever you do, don't skip a clip at SG. If caught, they'll blackball your ass. I had to grovel for a week to keep my lead priviledges when I did this about a year ago. . .
  3. Sorry for the confusion Von Spanker, I was commenting on Korups post. I think IIB has assumed Alpental isn't gonna be open, and is thinking about the ice routes in the ski area, not hoping the lifts will be open (sadly, that's probably another storm away). Sure, avy will be a concern - doubt they'd bother with control before the area opens. . .
  4. I think IIB's talking ice climbing lines, not riding. Neri, am I right?
  5. We're at SG. Yeah, less lead options, but there's noone leading (at least when we're there) so it's easy to get on routes. Also, when I need full humiliation, I can flail on the roof!
  6. I'm usually there with 1-2 others later on Wed nights (around 8-11). We usually lead, then maybe TR after we're fried. PM me or just look for us if your interested (usually there's noone else leading on Wed nights, so we're easy to find - look for a couple guys w/ very short hair and ask for Mark).
  7. I attempted der Toofen last Tuesday (Winter Solstice ) with a couple folks and experienced similar flailing. We expected a cruise climb, and possibly a swing by Chair to check on conditions there. We were promply cold-cocked by the wet snow/ice covered rock (we didn't bring tools or 'poons). Hopefully the only time I'll have to see aided 5.4 climbing.
  8. I'm heading up to the pass tomorrow to meet vraddict and climb the Toof (my original plan for Chair NEB got canned for my lack of skillz, bailing partners, etc). If the Toof goes quick, could try to hit Rap Wall (is there any moderate drytooling there?) or see if there's a pitch or two of ice in that area. Vraddict has no tools right now, but we could figure something out. PM if interested . . .
  9. Thanks for the beta NC. Tuesday will probably be a choice day to hit it, but plans aren't shaping up. May have to switch to Sunday and risk getting shut down. . .
  10. I've worked up a stoke to try this route Tuesday, but don't have the ballz/skill yet for the current conditions. Two possible guns have bailed on me for other projects - anyone else interested? Shoot me a PM . . .
  11. I'm thinking about Chair - maybe N. face - on Tuesday. It ain't Banff (and I'm no hardman), but it could be a fun outing w/ the thin snow/ice conditions. Shoot me a PM if you're interested. . .
  12. Thanks for throwing a TR together, Lee! My climbing experience up to last weekend had been pretty much rock and snow slogs; this was my first mixed media alpine experience and I had blast. So (as Lee said) it wasn't super technical, but the long day and climbing in darkness definitely added to the challenge. As has also been mentioned, this would've been a very different experience were it not for Jay's knowledge of the exit route. to Leejams and JayB - great partners make all the difference. Lee deserves a medal for taking over the wheel about 4am on the drive home
  13. It'll be raining on the westside tomorrow - wait til Sunday and show JayB and I how it's done @ Tieton . . .
  14. I'm planning to meet up with a couple folks at The Bend area of Tieton this Sunday (11/7). Yeah, it's a long drive for a day of climbing, but I've got commitments in town on Saturday. I have moderate routes in mind (.8 to maybe a .10a grovel), but I'll belay (and possibly second) harder routes if that's your thing. I'm thinking to leave Seattle somewhere around 5-6am, and have room for up to three more in the car. It'd be great to have company to ease the drive and share the gas bill. PM me if you're interested . . .
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