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Everything posted by luwayo

  1. your humble reveal is wicked funny. "...cliff crawling, multigear hill biking...rush hour commuting..." . at the risk of showing the softer side, i bashfully admit to the following: bread baking - the braided & sculpted stuff you know; knitting - woolen socks; greeting card design, manufacture & sales; dog apparel, design & manufacture. but quite honestly, it's tough to fit much of these hobbies in anymore. however, come winter we could form a cosy little stitch 'n bitch club for all the knitters. 'splains why we like rope work, don't it?
  2. hey man, glad you're back in action! things sound positive, and i'm impressed with your recovery. i don't read this board extensively, so i missed this thread that was somewhat concurrent with my now embarrassing, snivelling, self-pity over missing one lousy weekend of climbing. good on you mate!
  3. pardon my $%&8#)^ french it's the best one can do, after busting a knee - short circuits the language centre. those stair & golfing gaffes elicited some chuckles. please, continue to help me laugh at your expense. ...while i rack my brain for any more previous injury causing episodes of non-climbing buffoonery.
  4. i forgot how to pedal my mtn. bike, and did the most slow-motion-keel-over on to my knee. it took further pedaling/pushing, au chevalling, bushwacking, a mile of EG, descent, and 2xtra strgth. Tylenol before i acknowledged what an idiot i am. i am a gimp this week non-climbing accidents seem so........(je ne sais pas). can you relate?
  5. thinking more on Culbert's samich....w/ chopped green onions.
  6. kix, i'm ecstatic about this exciting apple combination! tell me, do these apples go well with everything?
  7. um, okay. i just have to think thai, and then this sounds almost palatable.
  8. jordo, it's hard to tell when you're joking. does that make you a fan of bacon fat spread or chocolate covered lard?
  9. crikey! i saw that demo on the news. kids, junk food can be harmful to your health! i knew that avocado/nutella recipe was coming. now, i'd try the cheetos & mayo, but that sounds deadly for the waistline. more snacks for the hills?
  10. the old oat bag has been looking pretty dull lately. but i wanted to share with you angels this sensational creation i tried last night. baby carrots & nutella - or mocha espresso sauce if your carrots are snobby. serve up your favourite inventions.
  11. what about watching golf then? does that put one 6ft under? ok, those golf remarks were more voluble than sincere. but i'll look forward to the game when i'm 70.
  12. some useful information has arisen from one of these tangental arguments. but it's poor form, with some disrespecting of the injured to continue criticising the injured party on an "accident notice". that alone raised my ire. so let's not slander them by declaring ineptness on this notice. truly distasteful. as for any appropropriate sentiments & discussion, carry on.
  13. you can have mine. i'll take up golf instead, and spraying about golf.
  14. i thought you liked your mec togollery: affordable for trashing!
  15. i thought they converted their retail to rescue goods, for organized & industry. only thing i can think of getting there is a steel biner. that's it. although, they had me for a second with "dog harness" but that was just for tracking. once i called in & asked if i was talking to pops or his son. the answer was, "no, it's the hairy bastard".
  16. yeah, mtnfreak that's pretty much it. but Valhalla can be quite obliging on the service end, especially if you get Mike. and if you're already in Squamish needing to pick something up, George at Climb-On may look you over & give a discount. i like that he's keen to talk up some good dirt, i mean rock.
  17. luwayo


    why give up a society that embraces you and all your fragmented personalities?
  18. does this non-response mean nobody here has done the ascent/descent of the N.face of STS via the N.ridge? the N.face sounds super steep, and i wonder if it takes pro - or not, in the early season.
  19. yucccchh! that's a memory i've been trying to forget since i was 2.
  20. mtnfreak, i have no experience climbing in europe, and cannot make associations from a lack of formed biases.
  21. the obvious include - club climbing, USA easy access, and the plethora of guide books - that spell out every detail.
  22. Michael, are you asking if i led the small army? i was not there. a mob scene in the mountains is always repugnant! add a full moon to that weekend. maybe we'll get an original attendee to verify the fact pattern. until then, more heresay: the injured party (from the group of 4) may have been assisted by the larger STS group, in the form of a cell phone call. if so, lucky for them. anyone here done the descent above the shrund on to the sisters glacier, and then popping up through the NTS/STS gap? i understand it's a short cut descent from STS?
  23. deeelightful. so, what would you speculate? think there's some new sport route adjacent to it? if not, think they'll get chopped?
  24. the apron was virtually dry, but still a zoo! now, did my eyes see things right? i spied 2 new bolts over on diedre, p1.
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