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Everything posted by Lee_Davis

  1. [img:right]http://portlandalpinefest.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/GrahamZimmerman.jpg[/img][font:Verdana]Clinics are selling out FAST Due to the Oregonian articles today. Graham Zimmerman's clinics and seminars in High Angle Rescue, Mixed Climbing and Climbing without Beta look great!:[/font] http://portlandalpinefest.org/athletes/graham-zimmerman/
  2. [font:Verdana]The Portland Alpine Festival starts Monday and goes through Saturday November 8th with 5 athletes and over 25 events all week! We’re also starting to get some fantastic promotions through Facebook and various climbing magazines and also some great press from the Oregonian. Here’s an article from Terry Richard all about our keynote speaker John Roskelley: http://www.oregonlive.com/travel/index.ssf/2014/10/john_roskelley_brings_climbing.html And here are two more articles about the festival: http://www.oregonlive.com/travel/index.ssf/2014/10/mazamas_stage_portland_alpine.html http://www.oregonlive.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2014/10/portland_alpine_festival_will.html The biggest event of the week is The Summit, on Saturday Nov. 8. All the athletes will be there, signing posters and books (Roskelley is bringing original copies of Nanda Devi to sign!) This night will be the perfect finale to an amazing week of fun – there will be great food, drinks, a silent auction (Tons of gear, books, photos, rental houses, gift cards & more), a live auction, awards, a Vendor Fair – new gear, schwag, lots of your friends – and the highlight of the night, a presentation by climbing legend and Piolet d’Or Lifetime Achievement Awardee John Roskelley. We want everyone in the NW that loves to play in the mountains to come to the festival and especially the Summit! Our goal is to make the Portland Alpine Festival the greatest event, workshop and competition in the Pacific Northwest for climbers, hikers, skiers and everyone who loves to play in the mountains. So, share this note with your friends, take a look at the festival schedule again to make sure you don’t miss out on anything (http://portlandalpinefest.org/festival-schedule), and we’ll see you next week! [/font]
  3. Hey folks: 1 week away to Barry Blanchard Clinics and his presentation at our annual celebration! Just $10 for the show & only $28 for the clinic! check it out here: http://mazamaevents.blogspot.com/2012/10/mazamas-annual-celebration-with-guest.html
  4. [img:right]http://mazamas.org/pdf/otherpdf/blanchard_sm.jpg[/img]Hey everybody - Mazamas is bringing Barry Blanchard to town on Saturday November 17th for a clinic and a presentation that night at the Bagdad Theater for our annual celebration: The Annual Celebration is at the Bagdad Theater on Hawthorne in SE Portland on 11/17/12. Here are the details about Barry's presentation: http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/363/ ALSO! We just confirmed with Barry Blanchard that we will be offering a 2-3hr clinic at Noon on Saturday November 17th at the Mazamas Mountaineering Center on SE 43rd & Stark covering “Alpine rope-work, self rescue, rescue systems, escape the belay, and a few other tips and tricks” The clinic is $28.00. For those of you who don’t know Barry – he’s been a sponsored athlete with Patagonia for many years, helped to mentor Steve House and is widely regarded as one of the best alpine climbers in Canada and North America. The clinic is geared for beginning climbers or intermediate/advanced climbers who want a refresher on these topics. [img:left]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MlXmqIa_CXs/UICjPm-wp0I/AAAAAAAAAUA/8FhPRZO_-tI/s320/barry_blanchard.JPG[/img]** Note to please bring a harness, locker and belay device to the clinic. ** Note also that this year’s Annual Celebration is at the Bagdad, it’s cheap ($10!) and your ticket includes a free beer or non-alcoholic beverage of your choice! http://mazamaevents.blogspot.com/2012/10/mazamas-annual-celebration-with-guest.html
  5. Friday Friday Friday!!! Sign up Here: Group Clinic with Colin 3pm-5pm on Friday at Mazamas Patagonia Slideshow by Colin 7pm Friday at Mazamas PDX Ice Fest comp 5pm-9pm Saturday at Portland Rock Gym Sign up HERE http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/976/ [img:left]http://mazamas.org/images/uploads/pdxice_poster6b.jpg[/img]
  6. Hey folks - if you're in PORTLAND and missed this show you can see it this Friday at Mazamas! Sign up here for the presentation, clinics with Colin AND go to the PDX Ice Fest comp on Saturday at Portland Rock Gym!! http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/976/ [img:left]http://mazamas.org/images/uploads/pdxice_poster6b.jpg[/img]
  7. [img:right]http://mazamas.org/images/uploads/huntington-2_thumb.jpg[/img] Hey folks - check out this NEW Advanced Class at Mazamas - Information night is scheduled for 7PM on Tuesday October 2nd at the MMC! 527 SE 43rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97215 http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/1954/ [img:left]http://mazamas.org/images/uploads/frieh1_thumb.jpg[/img] Photo Courtesy of Gym Jones
  8. Hey folks - Tickets are ON SALE now either at Mazamas, PRG or ONLINE here: http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/976/
  9. Hey folks - Tomorrow nights program is with renowned mountain photographer John Scurlock at 7PM and is a benefit for Portland Mountain Rescue [img:right]http://mazamas.org/images/uploads/scurlock.jpg[/img] Check out these links! http://www.pbase.com/nolock/mountains http://www.pbase.com/nolock/mountains http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/1862/
  10. Hey folks - Only a couple of spots left in the clinics! Next weeks' all about Arno around here - hope to see you at a clinic or at the presentation... Thx. Lee
  11. Hey folks - Arno Ilgner is coming to town in two weeks! The Friday clinics at Smith Rock are already filling up fast. Thursday clinics are in town and an amazing deal! As with all of our clinics: Your clinic INCLUDES admission to the Thursday slideshow with Arno at the MMC. Hope to see you all then! Warriors Way Clinics with Arno Ilgner @Smith and Mazamas [img:left]http://mazamas.org/images/uploads/arno2.jpg[/img]
  12. [img:left]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/500/mazama_logo.gif[/img] Hey folks: Mazamas Mazamas is bringing Will Gadd to Portland for two indoor clinics: Basic Steep Ice Movement on Wednesday 3/21/12 at 2PM and Dry Tooling on Thursday 3/22/12 at Noon He'll also be doing a slideshow presentation that Wednesday night and we're having a party afterwards. Check here for more details and to sign up!: http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/will-gadd/
  13. Thanks to John for the great TR (as usual) and for taking the time to respond, I think very well, to Kirk & Joe's comments. Kirk or Joe - if you have an issue with Mazamas (or if ANYONE has an issue with Mazamas) I highly encourage you to call me and talk with me about it 503-227-2345. If you can't do that, then email me at lee@mazamas.org [i can also tell you exactly who moved your packs around Monkey Face that day if you'd like to thank them in person.] I climb every tuesday & thursday morning at PRG - and so will be available to talk after 11am tomorrow. Seriously, give me a call & tell me what you really think. Thanks, Lee Davis Mazamas Executive Director
  14. One more reminder for tomorrow night's show with Steph Davis: 7PM Thursday at Mazamas (527 SE 43rd Avenue) http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/1772/ Hope to see you all there! Lee
  15. And ANOTHER update on next weeks' events! Please bump this for me if you feel like helping with the PR here :)p So now both clinics are full! Hope to see the rest of you Thurs. night for the slideshow: http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/1772/ Another great reason to come to the slideshow is to hear a special announcement regarding Fred Beckey! Lee
  16. Just a quick update here: The women's clinic is now full! Just 6 spots left for the Friday clinic. Bring your rack & some tape. Hope to see the rest of you Thurs. night for the slideshow: http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/calendar_event/1772/ Lee
  17. Thanks Bill! This upcoming November weekend is VERY busy in Portland so I'll list the deets here: 11/17 Thursday at 3PM - Womens' climbing comp with Steph Davis at the MMC (Mazama Mountaineering Center) 11/17 Thursday at 5PM - Portland Women climbers group kick-off happy hour near Mazamas (more on this later) 11/17 Thursday at 7PM - Public Earth to Sky slideshow with Steph Davis at the MMC 11/18 Friday - New Prana store opens at 23rd & Irving (ie party) 11/19 Saturday - PRG Climbing Comp with Prana, Steph Davis, Mazamas, etc...this goes all day. 11/19 Saturday night (7PMish) - Alan Watts speaks at Mazamas annual party at the Doubletree Lloyd Center. Most of this can be easily explored on mazamas.org We're working on getting Fred Beckey in for a December show, Will Gadd in March, Arno Ilgner in April or May and more on the way! Thanks, Lee Mazamas
  18. Jens - All you have to do is join the Monte Cristo Preservation Assn. to get a key - it's like $30/year & they'll even let you pick it up in Everett if you're in a hurry - just check their website. That said all you save is 3/4mile of hiking - so it's hardly worth it unless you have a ton of gear...
  19. Try the guys at US Outdoor (downstairs) - they have a pneumatic machine that can work the shell.
  20. Show starts in 1.25 hours!
  21. [font:Verdana][img:right]http://mazamas.org/images/uploads/Smith_Rock_book.jpg[/img] Alan Watts is speaking tonight at the Mazama Mountaineering Center in SE Portland. We hope to see you there! This special show is a benefit for the Mazamas with a $10 admission at the door. Alan Watts will be selling signed copies of the new Smith Rock Guidebook after the event! Dates/Time: Tonight! Wednesday, February 24, 7:00 pm (Doors open at 6PM) Location: The Mazama Mountaineering Center, 527 SE 43rd Ave. (Located about one block South of Stark Street in SE Portland.) Cost: $10 at the door Alan Watts tells the story of Smith Rock climbing, from its humble origins in the 1930s through the present day. Alan started climbing at Smith Rock in 1975. Over two decades, he pioneered hundreds of first ascents, including some of the most difficult free routes in the country. The style of climbing he developed at Smith Rock during the 1980s helped change the direction of the sport in the United States. In 2005, Watts earned a spot on Rock and Ice’s list of the ten most influential climbers in the history of US climbing. In 2009, the same magazine recognized him as one of the world’s 25 most influential climbers. In a multimedia show, Alan tells how a shy Madras Oregon teenager turned Smith Rock into one of the world’s best known climbing areas. His multimedia presentation combines personal recollections of his climbing career, along with stories of the routes and individuals that made Smith Rock famous. Alan’s new book “Rock Climbing Smith Rock State Park” is one of the most detailed and comprehensive climbing guides ever published. Completely rewritten, this 500 page book details 1809 routes - nearly twice the number found in Watts’ original 1992 guidebook. Rock Climbing Smith Rock State Park features the most detailed Smith Rock history ever published, along with 24 new maps, 96 redrawn topos, and 148 full-color photographs. [/font]
  22. Chad - The event is at the Mazama Mountaineering Center (MMC) & starts at 7PM. We'll open the door at 6PM to sell tickets. Alan will indeed be selling and signing books that night after his presentation. Let me know if you have any other questions. Here's a map to the MMC: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=527+SE+43rd+Ave.+Portland,+OR+%28Mazama+Mountaineering+Center+-+MMC+Your+Adventure+Starts+Here!++503-227-2345%29&ie=UTF8&z=15&om=1&iwloc=addr
  23. Here's the Mazama Lodge page and online booking: http://www.mazamas.org/your/adventure/starts-here/C184/ At the bottom of the page is a chart of the other club memberships which allow you access to the lodge. If you're not a member of any of these listed clubs you can just join the Sierra Club (for $15) and it'll still be cheaper than most other locations on Mt. Hood.
  24. Climb Max Mountaineering in Portland (near 28th & Sandy in NE Pdx) has a small bin of little kid's shoes. I got a pair of mad rocks for my 5 year old there for $12!
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