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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. And why/since when is "biner" a derogatory term for a Hispanic person?


    If you spell it "beaner" it becomes a rude racial epithet.


    I never heard of it before I moved out to the west coast, though.


    Hmmm. I didn't know that one. I guess I should hang out with more rednecks.


    Are you suggesting I... oh, whatever.


    Sometimes people use a slur without hardly realizing it. One time a guy I was in grad school with came up to me in a bar and said "dude, that Dig Dug machine just hebrewed me out of a quarter!" Of course he was from Alabama so that makes him an honorary redneck.


    "Gyp" has lost most of its original racist association, but I think that's just because there aren't many Gypsies in the US.

  2. And why/since when is "biner" a derogatory term for a Hispanic person?


    If you spell it "beaner" it becomes a rude racial epithet.


    I never heard of it before I moved out to the west coast, though.

  3. Comparing numbers of innocents killed isn't very useful.


    The real question at stake is one of principle: is it OK for the US military to be murdering and torturing civilians and POWs in the name of some greater good? Are the armed forces going to have to become terrorists to fight terrorism?


    I find it depressing that these questions are part of our national discourse, that they aren't just dismissed out of hand on account of being obviously ridiculous.

  4. I just got back from a 3-day backpacking trip on the Oregon side of Hell's Canyon. It's fantastic country, very rugged, and not too crowded (that's an understatement).


    The rock I saw all looked super chossy, but I was mostly on the high trails, well above the river. If you just want to do some hiking and get away from it all, you couldn't pick a better spot. Though it is pretty warm out there right now.


    I didn't see any backward ass yahoos where I was, but maybe there's more of them on the Idaho side.

  5. Yeah, but the 18th century was a different age, technologically speaking.


    Your .22s or .45s or whatever won't do much against the black helicopters full of jackbooted thugs armed with assault weapons and such. Or nuclear bombs.


    Which isn't to say I disagree with your underlying premise about freedom being something that you have to fight for - just that practically speaking, peashooters probably don't do all that much to preserve our liberty.

  6. My buddy wants to take his brother (coming in from out of state and new to climbing) up the North Ridge/Standard route.


    I was thinking of making it a 3 Fingered Jack/Mt Washington weekend to double the choss scrambling funtimes.


    OK, so is "pinnacle" the wrong term? Maybe "summit lump"? Or "summit heap"?

  7. You are soooo smart! I meant to say you guys are bordering on BECOMING prodigies. My sincere aplogies to the Proctologist, Mr DFA, and others who have been offended.


    Prodigy: A person with exceptional talents or powers.


    That makes sense! I'm certainly convinced, thanks!


    ...In other words, I was being sarchastic and you have taken yourself way too seriously.


    Well, Snafflehunter, you really have to be careful using "sarchasm" around folks like DFA. Between liberal tree-hugging muffins like the good doctor and red-blooded patriots like yourself there exists a real cultural void, an unbridgeable chasm, if you will. It's pretty easy for one party to misunderstand the other and the next thing you know, someone's getting chastised for not picking up on the "sarchasm."

  8. DFA, while you're doing a great job of mocking the illiterate, you might want to recheck your spelling of "plagiarism."


    Maybe we're bordering on progeny?


    Or polyphiloprogeny? Even more likely given the cleverness on display here.

  9. Whether or not what was printed in the Newsweek story was factual, it seems like a lot of folks are willing to believe that the US doesn't treat POWs right.


    I wonder why?



  10. I used to have a Walrus tent (bought it about 15 years ago), and I can't say I was super impressed. It was a lightweight backpacking tent, and the only thing it really had going for it was that it was incredibly light.


    It didn't come with a fly (the walls were supposed to be waterproof), and whenever it rained the water would wick through, soaking everything.


    Their higher-end tents might have been better.

  11. Your TSA at work on my 2 and 4 year old (Denver airport about two years ago.)

    The agents not so kindly informed me I wasn't allowed to take pictures of their security procedures. They were dead serious throughout the whole process.



    These pictures are both hilarious and sad. I didn't know "tinhat" was an adjective (guess it is now), but this makes me inclined to agree with Stonehead's tinhat theory about police-state indoctrination.

  12. Someone I Care About


    Well I don't want just a girl to fool around with

    Well I don't want just a girl to ball alright

    What I want is a girl that I care about

    Or I want nothing at all.

    nothing at all, Alright




    Well I won't pretend I like a girl if I really don't

    And act like she's great when she makes me feel appalled

    All I want is a girl that I care about

    Or I want nothing at all.

    nothing at all


    Well I don't want some cocaine sniffing triumph in the bar

    Well I don't want a triumph in the car

    I don't want to make a rich girl crawl

    What I want is a girl that I care about

    Or I want no one at all

    Alright, listen to this now.


    Picture this:

    I'm walking with my girlfriend

    28 misguided souls combined say, "We're moving in"

    There's a certain kind of girl that you care about so much

    You say, "I don't care what you guys do to me, but her, don't touch"


    'Cause I don't want just a girl to fool around with

    I don't want just a girl to ball

    What I want is a girl that I care about

    Or I want nothing at all

    Oh all right


    Well I don't want just a girl to fool around with, no

    I don't want just a girl to ball, no

    What I want is a girl that I care about

    Or I want nothing at all.


    All right gentlemen.

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