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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. Yeah, be careful chaparoo. Out here in the wild west we have competitions to see who's the best climber. Real carefully monitored stuff with timers and everything.

  2. Basically if you're not in the ER dying, it is my opinion that you should see someone who is willing to try the least invasive method to healing possible. health care should focus on prevention and address the problem, not the symptoms. sometimes drugs and surgery are like putting duct tape over the check engine light.


    I just want to say that this really makes sense to me. What you're doing sounds cool, Mike.


    Now can you recommend a phrenologist in the Portland area? I think my humors are out of whack.

  3. Hey Ireneo, any ideas of a good spot in the menagerie? All I am familar with is the rooster, chicken, hen area... Other suggestions?


    That's the only area I've ever checked out, but I've heard that there's some aid lines on the Rabbit Ears, and of course the Turkey Monster. Not sure how good or bad the rock is over there.

  4. We should set up an exchange program with minnesotaclimbing.com -- we get "shogun" for a week, they can have glassgowkiss. I'm sure everyone would come out of that with a new perspective.

  5. eating things on sticks


    Cobra Commander's been to the Minnesota State Fair!


    Correct. I was one of the "attractions" rolleyes.gif

    "Dunk the Commander and win a VIP tour of Mendota Heights' finest water towers" rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

    "Milk-drinking champion gets waffle on stick and Cabela's coupon." rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif


    I bet the Commander was voted Princess Kay of the Milky Way.


    Do you still have your butter-bust?



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