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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. Easier said for single renters than people with homes, families, etc.


    I do rent, but that doesn't mean I'm not qualified to say that folks ought to make an effort to live closer to their jobs or near mass-transit (yes, for the greater good). I've known plenty of people who've managed to find homes in places that don't force reliance on a car. All I'm saying is that it's surprising to me how little this plays into most peoples' decision-making process when they're deciding where to live.


    And before Thrill or someone else tells me to fuck off or whatever...I'm not saying don't live out in the sticks or the suburbs if that what you want. Drive 20 or 100 miles to work every morning and evening if that's the lifestyle you enjoy. But maybe if you care about the fact that oil is a finite resource, or that we're heating up the planet and melting the glaciers and polar ice caps and so forth, you could take a minute and think about some ways that you could reduce your impact on the environment.


    This isn't meant to be judgemental. We're all part of the car culture, myself included.

  2. Oh yeah I know already I can ride a bike. I work 20 miles away from home at two jobs that aren’t even close so fuck off.


    So move closer to your job, fuckhead


    It's amazing how few people even consider this option.

  3. Gosh what a bunch of pussies there are on this site. Jay was the only one that actually gave consideration to the question rather then going on and on about some other bullshit.


    There is a car out there for everyone and for those hippies out there claiming that you should buy a Subaru because of the better good.. shut the fuck up. I own a Subaru AND an X-terra a yellow one for that matter.

    I have the Subaru for commuting to and from the city to save on gas cost as well as to be a bit environment friendly. Oh yeah I know already I can ride a bike. I work 20 miles away from home at two jobs that aren’t even close so fuck off.

    I have the X-terra because I love it. it is built on a truck chassis so it rides like one. It is well beyond an SUV. The 4 wheel drive action is great. Ours is one of the first ones so we don’t have the supercharged. In my opinion you don’t need it. they are strong enough and go fast enough. You save a tiny bit on the gas without the supercharge. The truck is nice and solid and a lot of fun. I often take friends higher up on the roads they their Subaru’s can go when we are going backcountry. Don’t whine to me about hiking. We all drive as far in as we can and the start our hikes.

    So the rest of you that cant get your head out of your ass to figure out that your opinion isn’t for everyone.. we’ll fuck you and your Subaru.




  4. And what happened to the question mark. Why was it taken away. It was so useful for asking questions.


    I think the question mark got chopped... Watch out, those bolts are porbably next...


    The chopped question marks will be replaced with glued-in ampersands. So if you care about keeping written language intelligible, please don't chop punctuation!

  5. Considering how deep they are reportedly in the hole, keeping subscribers happy isn't gonna make much difference.


    In the world of magazine publishing, there aren't very many examples of magazines that are able to support themselves (not to mention make a profit) primarily or entirely through subscription revenue. The unsavory reality is that it's advertising that pays the bills. As a rule of thumb, the more ads you see in a magazine, the better it's doing financially. I don't know anything about Alpinist's books, but judging from the extraordinarily high production values and the paucity of ads, I bet they're hemmoraging cash.


    I hope I'm proven wrong and they make it, 'cause it's the only interesting climbing mag out there.


    I agree that the grainy shot from the Eiger Sanction was a waste of cover space, though.

  6. I'd join you tomorrow for a repeat of last Sunday's fun, Mike, but I don't have your carefree student's schedule -- that is, I'll be shackled to my desk.


    Nobody talks as much as Ivan, but Mike'll keep you entertained. Plus, belaying him can be pretty exciting sometimes.

  7. I saw a really bad movie called "The Climb" on TV a couple years ago; it might be the one you're thinking of. It was about 2 climbers who because of a sponsorship or something become partners, despite their very different personalities.


    Also, one is black and the other white.


    And one believes in Jesus and the other one doesn't. The movie was produced by Billy Graham, I think.


    Did I mention that it was really, really bad? Oh yeah, I did.

  8. Back in the summer of 1995 I worked a temp job for a couple of weeks in a warehouse, packaging Christmas CDs for shipment to WalMart stores. Every day we'd listen to the same damn CD over and over on the shift leader's boom box: the Judgement Night soundtrack. I hated it. Even though I liked some of the bands on the record individually, I thought the rap/metal/alternative collaborations were contrived and bizarre (i.e. Sonic Youth + Cypress Hill).


    Fast forward to 2005. This morning I found myself reading customer reviews of "Judgement Night on amazon.com. Suddenly, I realized that this album wasn't just a poorly conceived hack job thrown together for an even worse movie... it was seminal! Without "Judgement Night," we'd probably never have Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, and all their kin. Leaving aside the musical merit of the crop of rap/metal bands, the interesting thing here is just how important this album was, and how it's had a much bigger artistic and cultural impact than the movie.


    So it got me thinking: what other soundtracks turned out to be more important, or demonstrably better, than the movies they supported? I can think of a couple: "The Harder They Come," and "Superfly." Any others?


    Oh yeah, "Yellow Submarine," too.

  9. I finally got out and tried this Saturday afternoon. Used my gri-gri and tied cloves for a backup. It took some fooling around but I finally got to a point where the process was pretty smooth. Beats bouldering, anyway.

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