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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. I would bring a hammer to make cleaning a little easier. It can be a bitch to pull out nuts after weighting them on aid. A few taps with a hammer will get them out much quicker and with less frustration than yarding on a sling.


    That's what the #10 hex is for!

  2. I'd leave the ascenders at home and bring a set of prussiks each. Also, being able to climb 5.whatever isn't really going to help you on a volcano slog like South Side of Hood. It's basically several hours of trudging uphill, so you'll want to be generally fit.


    Know how to self-arrest with your ice axe, too.

  3. Like the above post points out, not all ticks carry Lyme disease. I've only picked up dog ticks out here in the NW and I haven't seen the deer or black-legged ticks that carry the disease.


    The problem with Lyme is that the symptoms aren't always obvious, and yet it's important to treat it early. I got it when I was 19, but I was lucky because my symptoms were obvious (Bell's Palsy). A friend of mine went over a year before he was correctly diagnosed. His symptoms were less obvious (joint pain principally). Anyway, because he wasn't diagnosed early, it's hard for the doctors to treat him, and he lives with a lot of pain that probably won't go away anytime soon.

  4. Top 5 singles from this week (none are "new"), not in any particular rank. Complete with notes since I know you all care.


    1. Panic, by the Smiths. Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ! Why is it that the Smiths had 4 or 5 really incredibly good songs amid so very much boring dreck?


    2. Ghetto Defendant, by the Clash. I think teaming up with Allan Ginsberg was an inspired idea, even though it doesn't really work. It's kind of like there's two songs going on at once. But nevertheless it does rock.


    3. Always True to You in my Fashion, by Peggy Lee with George Shearing. George Shearing's latin-inflected piano accompaniment makes this the best version of this Cole Porter tune I've heard.


    4. Goodbye to You, by Scandal. I can't believe I never heard this 80s top-40 song until I was driving back from Eastern OR last Monday. Made me nostalgic for tough girl singers like Debbie Harry and Pat Benatar.


    5. Smoking Cigarettes and Drinking Coffee Blues, by Lefty Frizzell. I heard Sleepy LaBeef do this song in concert about 10 years ago, and it's always stuck with me, even though I'd never heard Lefty Frizzell's original. Finally got it last week and it's almost as good as my memory of Sleepy doing it live.

  5. With regard to fheimerd's mention of poison oak & ticks: I think one of the advantages of staying high above the river is that there's a lot less poison oak (I didn't see any). And I only pulled off one wood tick. And I didn't run into any rattlesnakes either up there, which I was OK with.

  6. I just got back from a 3-day backpacking trip on the Oregon side of Hell's Canyon. It's fantastic country, very rugged, and not too crowded (that's an understatement).


    The rock I saw all looked super chossy, but I was mostly on the high trails, well above the river. If you just want to do some hiking and get away from it all, you couldn't pick a better spot. Though it is pretty warm out there right now.


    I didn't see any backward ass yahoos where I was, but maybe there's more of them on the Idaho side.

    where were you hiking? have any spots in particular you'd recommend? it is so huge and we have so little time we're still not sure what to do. cantfocus.gif


    I hiked from the Freezeout TH (south of the town of Imnaha) up to the saddle, then north along the high trail (not the highest, rim trail) to around Hat Point, then explored around there a bit and headed back the way I came. I'd certainly recommend this area for its scenic beauty. The view from Hat Point is pretty incredible.


    But like you say, the Hell's Canyon NRA is huge, and I'm sure there's a lot of great spots to check out. I was originally going to start around Dug Bar, but heard that the road to that TH was a little rough. The road up to Freezeout is fine. Have a great time; you won't be disappointed.

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