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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. Is this a conference or a trade show that you're talking about? If it is, I'm pretty sure attendance at those types of things dropped off pretty substantially after 9/11, so it wouldn't be totally irrelevant to make the comparison.


    That's not to say that you don't hear a lot of spurious stuff attributed to 9/11 or the pre/post-9/11 "world." In my business (magazine publishing), I heard ad sales people using 9/11 as an excuse for not meeting their sales goals for more than 2 years afterwards. At first it sounded reasonable, then it sounded lame, and finally it started sounding a little blasphemous.

  2. Nimrod's Nemesis is the hardest 5.5 I've ever climbed.


    For Smith: Super Slab, Moscow. Lots of shorter stuff in the 5.6-5.8 range at Northern Point and the Student Wall, and on Staender Ridge.

  3. good survival story: "The Long Walk" about some Polish guys in WW2 who escape from a Russian prison camp in Siberia and walk south across Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, Tibet and the Himalaya to India, taking 2.5 years, half of them die along the way...and they see the Yeti! And it's not really Reinhold Messner!!


    A while ago I picked this book up and read about half of it before chucking it. Usually I'll follow through to the bitter end but the writing style was tedious, plus I just thought this guy's story wasn't credible. It seemed more like propaganda than anything else.


    For a much better escaping-from-prison read, my money's on "Papillon."

  4. TR: Ireneo is spoiled for life after his first visit to the climber's fantasyland known as Yosemite. After climbing granite under bluebird skies for a week, he'll never look at mossy basalt or tuff nubbins the same way again.


    Also he now uses the 3rd person a la DFA.


    Seriously, it was the laziest climbing trip of my life -- toured the moderate/easy classics but didn't feel like I had done 1/100th of what I wanted to do. Glacier Point apron & the Manure Pile were where I had the most fun. Drank way too much beer and slept in every day.


    I'll see if I have any good pictures.

  5. "Where the hell did they go they were just standing behind us?"




    Seriously, it is a good way to stretch, even if it does look a little, you know....gay. We used to do it right before track and cross-country races when I was in school.

  6. Nice, have fun! I might be asking you for beta on the Arrowhead for my trip later this summer.


    I'm trying to imagine where an 18-pitch route near Redfish Lake would be exactly. There's some big stuff in that area, but I thought the Perch had the longest routes.

  7. Ducknut taught me the plastic bag anchor method a couple of years ago on Rainier and I've used it ever since. If you don't trust the handles, fill them with snow and tie your guyline around the bag.


    Or, if there's rocks handy, tie your guyline around a rock & bury it. Works just as well.


    The only problem I have is not wrecking the cord when I'm digging out. But cord's replaceable.

  8. Actually, 3 years ago. Just thought it was time for our yearly chat about the fun hikes near Portland.


    Barjor, I've wondered if there was a trail coming North off the top of Table Mtn. I came at it from the other side one time in November (from the saddle to the North of Table), and I ended up bushwhacking. I must have missed the trail.

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