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Everything posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. Is that near Cho Oyeah?
  2. Thanks for posting this, Gavin. Let us know when your staffing situation gets worked out. I was planning on heading down there tomorrow night, and would have been disappointed to find your doors closed.
  3. Can you get with those folks to correct the spelling of their website? Then the full humorous potential of my post will be realized.
  4. Maybe Miles was a bitter, arrogant, contemptuous guy in person, but that doesn't affect my appreciation for his music. I wonder how many great musicians were really likeable people? I don't even think that Miles fully realized what he was doing for jazz music, but just as with the likeability question, who cares what his intent was? One of the things I really like about those 3 albums, and some other stuff he did around that same time, like Live-Evil, is that they really have a spacy, impersonal quality to them, like it's just instruments talking, not musicians.
  5. You've got to listen to Bitches' Brew, Agartha and Pangaea before you write off Miles' fusion expeditions.
  6. Cobra, Camilo, Mike....please take the snake charming discussion into the new Homosexual Sport Climber Forum. Thanks, guys.
  7. Uncle Ben was someone entirely different - an itinerant peddler of instant rice products and the housewife's best friend.
  8. "...that's why we drink it here And when we're gone from here Our friends will be drinking all the beer." Please discuss the theological implications.
  9. You're not allowed to carry any bladed instruments next time we go cragging, Ivan. That letter seemed kinda ridiculous, but whatever.
  10. The most interesting thing here is just how little it takes to infuriate a yak - I had no idea that they had such hair-trigger tempers.
  11. My vote's for Oct 8-9. If we have it that weekend, will the Canuckians promise to show up?
  12. "The ring fell off my pudding can!" Sorry, but someone had to say it.
  13. Well, I am curmudgeonly, but your impassioned defense of Fugazi's later work makes me think I should try listening to some of that stuff again. It's been awhile since I put on anything except their 1st ep. I remember I was pretty disappointed when Steady Diet of Nothing came out, though. Except for "Long Division", I thought their sound had changed a lot...it was more "experimental" or something.
  14. Yeah, you can't forget Fugazi, but only their first 2 ep's and Repeater are truly great.
  15. It was actually a social commentary on WCW and his work. Reread it. I have deleted the PMs that were in the inbox And which you were probably saving for later Forgive me They were poetic So full of bad spelling and grammar
  16. Transparent William Carlos Williams imitation.
  17. The Wyld Stallions did save the world, though, right?
  18. Finally! I was just waiting for someone else to give the obvious answer, so I could second it. When they kick at your front door, how you gonna come? With your hands on your head, or on the trigger of your gun? He's got a Ford Cortina, that just won't run without fuel... Fill 'er up, Jacko! etc.
  19. I went outside to take a leak Underneath the stars Oh yeah, that's the life for me. - Greg Brown
  20. Shelter me from the powder and the finger, cover me with the thought that pulled the trigger. Neil Young does rock, it's true.
  21. Alan Parsons Project. Because it's not just a band...it's a PROJECT!
  22. I thought Brownie was doing a great job...?
  23. Ireneo_Funes


    Well, it is cheaper and easier than actually doing something.
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