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Everything posted by Martlet

  1. Heh, bite me assjockey. You're pissed because your bitch got punked.
  2. You'll be there first. Tell me how it is, dumbass. You got punked!
  3. Yeah, you wouldn't want to ban the guy that actually posted it, would you? Hypocrite.
  4. Delta Chi
  5. Screw you, I was quoting someone that deleted the post. He should be banned.
  6. HAHAHAHAHA! Dumbass!
  7. I don't have a dog.
  8. Actually, there's one of the best bouldering spots around 5 minutes from my house, and about 15 minutes from the nearest Boston T stop. I'd be more than happy to dust off the chalk bag and head out with you. I'd rather dive, though, and I'm guessing you're most likely all talk anyway. I won't hear from you. You can finish your psychoanalysis while you're out here, and I can correct your "inapt" vocabulary. I'll assume that was a typo.
  9. I can't stand the tosser. I have no idea why Ron-n-Bob (not necessarily in that order) keeps asking him out.
  10. Looks like you found your date, Rob-n-Bob (but not necessarily in that order). Good luck to the both of you! Much happiness!
  11. Why, is this your version of "cyber sex"?
  12. I just drag it on too long sometimes. I should have let him wallow in his beat down about 10 comments ago. I'll let him continue to post his irrelevant mental masturbation, since he obviously can't debate this topic. -out-
  13. I know you are but what am I? Dodge, feint, parry! Another intellectual beat down delivered. Martlet: 5 million, moonbats: 0
  14. Awwww, I appreciate the attention, but no amount of coaxing is going to get me to date you. I think you're making Josh jealous, you'd better stop.
  15. You're the moron. Ahh yes, you completely ignored a post, asked where it was, pretended you didn't see it, responded to comments about it, but I'm the moron. Nice try, moonbat. You ready to respond to it yet?
  16. Who knows, but it pisses me off.
  17. I am a run-at-the-mouth pissant twerp. That's what makes me wonder why you are so interested in learning more about me. Perhaps you're attracted to run-at-the-mouth pissant twerps? As I said before, I'm straight. Ask MattP or JoshK out. I've heard they go that way. Good luck with it!
  18. Scroll up, moron. There's two of them there. When you're done responding to those, I've got another page full.
  19. You can't counter my points, so you ignore them. How's the intellectual beat down my public school education is giving you feel? Hurts, huh?
  20. I'd be interested in you responding to my quote. I won't hold my breath, though. Nice dodge, btw. What's that, your 4th? How's the beating feel?
  21. Just letting you show yourself out, pissant. Like I said, sorry, I'm straight. Ask JoshK or MattP. Rumor has it they like a little tube steak now and then.
  22. Shouldn't you be in the other thread trying to get out of the intellectual beating you're taking?
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