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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. eliminating all SUVs as passenger cars does NOT profoundly address an upcoming oil shortage.
  2. Because you need to set a goal, and then do the number-crunching to see how/what needs to be accomplished to meet that goal, and then convince people that the goal is both desirable and achievable. Arbitrarily changing CAFE standards just to do "something" doesn't cut it.
  3. Why do you hate America?
  4. There is a danger that it could occur too fast to react against in a timely manner. The doom-and-gloom scenario in the article explores this, and we have seen how easily prices can fluctuate, and their effects (recessions following Arab-oil crises).
  5. Thinking carefully is the operative phrase. what Jim spewed out is just another knee-jerk liberal mantra. The euros do it, we must do it too, just like them! If oil reserves are drying up, then we need to set goals that get us off of oil period - before we are forced to. that might involve higher CAFE standards, but those could be more or less than what the Euros do. And as you pointed out, the metrics may be apples-and-oranges as it is due to their higher use of diesel, which uses more crude to produce in the first place. I never ceased to be amazed by the typical liberal response of a feel-good gesture which may more may not actually achieve a goal. These are the people who supposedly are "pro-science", and yet never do the real science and number crunching to determine if something actually needs to be done, and to what extent. The important thing is "feeling good" and doing "something".
  6. this thread is not about reliance on middle east oil. it's about reliance on oil period and the prediction that it will dry up.
  7. If the Euros told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?
  8. who says this ship is lost
  9. linky
  10. i'd be willing to bet at least 90% of welfare recipients vote democrat. define "welfare" Alaska = second highest per capita federal spending = solidly red state It's the Louisiana of the Republican party. Underdeveloped and ridiculously corrupt. by welfare, I meant welfare. apparently, you did not? per-capita federal spending is a pretty silly way to define "welfare-living." more of a semi-accurate measure of population density, maybe. I think it is obvious that people getting free hand outs will continue to support those who butter their bread. And it is equally obvious that those in power use these handouts to bribe their constituents to keep voting them in office.
  11. be careful, or our local typo nit-picking troll will be on your case.
  12. i'd be willing to bet at least 90% of welfare recipients vote democrat. I'd be willing to bet that many welfare recipients don't vote.
  13. no dru, you're confusing spray with your avatar picture he's confusing spray with his khram. hi-5! USnA!
  14. the rumors of spray's demise are greatly exaggerated
  15. STFU..... ASS! No one asked you.
  16. Have a speedy recovery, man. Hope you are back to 100% in no time!
  17. Hey, I don't disagree with you.
  18. someone's a little jaded
  19. Try Americans grilled with Chimmichurri. Good if you can get over the preservatives. Soylent green is people. Mmmmm tastes like chicken.
  20. Your sage advice will not dissuage the likes of No. 13 Baby from expressing an "opinion", I'm certain of that.
  21. value(No. 13 Baby) < value(1 lb of horseshit)
  22. perfect - you can't produce, just as I suspected.
  23. Actually, I've got an idea, dickhead. It takes absolutely zero knowledge to nitpick typos and snipe from afar. One quick Google search and you can double check any foreign phrase. I'll wager that you looked at what I wrote, and didn't know what it meant, did a Google search, found the mistake, and then, being so clever, took a snipe. So, how about you post a few sentences in French, and I'll respond in like. Although I never claimed fluency in that language (I'm conversational), it might be entertaining to see you squirm. I expect utter silence from you, for as we saw in the discussion of comparative educational credentials - you are great at attacking someone whom you do not exceed by any measure. And I close with one more FOAD.
  24. ditto. it's a nice trick - give the impression of being hip, but then reality kicks in, ne c'est pas? You mean "n'est-ce pas," Mr. Beta Kappa. Just how many languages are you illiterate in? FOAD
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