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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. all the people here getting all defensive about this notion that fatties would pay extra crack me up. we're not talking about someone who could stand to lose 10, 20, even 30 lbs. that has probably happened to all of us at some point, and could happen again. There are an alarming number of folks in this country who are 50, 100, 150 lbs overweight... and more. there are huge consequences to this life style on all of us.
  2. I probably disagree with about 35% of what is deemed "right wing"
  3. hey, good job. I'm between 60 and 65. what kills me is people who think that going on a 10 mile hike, or biking to work is some gargantuan, strenuous, fitness-freak outing. "you bike from Bellevue... wow". actually, no, that's not much of a physical exertion - get off the couch and try to do something...
  4. I still kicked your ass up to camp muir.
  5. this may be the most accurate statement ever made on cc.com i'm shocked it came from KK. go figure. right wing nuts like sex too. i never would've guessed You know, the "people pigeon-holing" gets real tiresome. I've got plenty of positions to differentiate myself from the run-of-the mill right-winger. take off the blinders.
  6. Yeah, I used to be 140/90. These days it's more like 120/70.
  7. and since you dislike road grit in the ass-crack, I can assume sex on the beach is "out" with you too?
  8. Have you purchased life insurance? You get a physical, and they take down your weight. The premium depends on whether you are overweight, smoke, have high-blood pressure, etc. That is fair, and I think the same should be done for health insurance, especially if it gets nationalized. There is a difference between suffering from an ailment due to "bad luck" (including genetics) and purposely engaging in an unhealthy, destructive lifestyle.
  9. I am opposed to waterboarding. Is that clear enough? Although I'm OK with chinese-water torture since that is roughly what riding in the rain is like.
  10. How would you feel about all drivers paying the same rates irrespective of their driving history? Exactly.
  11. Actually, that is kinda funny now that you mention it. 1) I stated that I felt waterboarding IS torture 2) Having a light-hearted thread, with non-political bent would be nice for once 3) I never stated I was a hero for riding my bike in the rain No 13.: go fuck yourself
  12. or that costly operation to fix his cranial-rectal inversion
  13. it's all about spreading out the expenses for my costly hobbies.
  14. KaskadskyjKozak


  15. The one having the best sex is the one having the most fun
  16. Fruit of the Loon? Fruit of the Loin
  17. we need these guys put in charge as health czars:
  18. true enough
  19. Archie regularly herds cats, so she should be ok
  20. or a few 10's of millions to fix all the washouts on our access roads every year, or keep the national parks funded properly...
  21. not necessary to ridicule... would be cool if they made some poignant points. For example, show some cute kids asking dad to run and play catch football with them, show fat-ass dad out of breath, unable to do it, and sitting out while his kids play without him?
  22. new jacket and waterproof helmet cover - worn once (Fri) arm warmers - worn about 5 times so far waterproof gloves - wore this morning, but it was too warm for them I still need to pick up fenders and probably a better light. Mine sucks on dark stretches of the trail and some poorly-lit back streets.
  23. I dare you to call a Persian an Arab.
  24. it's a "guy" thing. hold on, let me make an adjustment...
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