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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Kevbone = rider of a short bus
  2. This Darasius chick in 20 years...
  3. expanding your horizons beyond ovines, eh?
  4. no shit. start with joshua tree. and is it so hard to get up into the Sierras? hiking/snowshoeing for now. do some peak-bagging, whitney, etc, come June/July?
  5. no, you fuck off! i hated you first. you're people. don't ever make me share a rope with you. i am the original, perenniel misanthrope here - with a stick up his butt!!!!
  6. Start here and fix the problem. BUY A FUCKING CAR OR MOTORCYCLE. And figure out a way to afford it, (maintenance, gas, insurance). Who the hell wants some fucking leech sucking them dry for free rides all over SoCal with gas prices well over $3/gallon? You need to pull your own weight. And if you can't do it w/r/t gas and transportation, I sure as hell doubt you'll carry half the group gear, pull your weight leading, and so on...
  7. no matter your age, if you drink enough tequila, you will think you are attractive, and that goes for those around you.
  8. No, not that. I'm just interested in improving my "attractiveness" quotient. that's what Tequila is for.
  9. Laphroaig, now that's a man's drink
  10. bourbon is great in the spring and all but in the depths of winter, nothing hits the spot like a full-on hard-core Islay
  11. you don't drink scotch. 'nuf said.
  12. Dude, don't ever say anything like that again. It sounds like you have a dick in your mouth. Not that there's anything wrong with that.... eat ass, you buttmuncher. I can't help if you're completely lowbrow, but will drop to your level if need be.
  13. Corn is for popping what about rye, beyotch?
  14. the 10 yr is really affordable and easy to find... i'm intrigued about the 15 yr though.
  15. I like bourbon too.
  16. The same assclowns accused Clinton of 500000+ deaths due to the economic sanctions. Guess your memory is short, boner.
  17. no, but which one? the one I saw highly regarded is the 15 year and I couldn't find it at a nearby store. I picked up some Balvenie 12 yr, double wood instead. It's also a Speyside... and very good.
  18. if you did that, I bet you'd notice no difference whatsoever in his communication or cognitive skills...
  19. you should go out and climb with kevbone. you two can spoon when you get chilled 8D that's just fucking disgusting. i'd rather ice climb with dru what if he brings a bottle of aberlour?
  20. you should go out and climb with kevbone. you two can spoon when you get chilled 8D
  21. now who has a stick up their butt?
  22. I hope you are wrong. That guy would be more disastrous than anyone else running in either party.
  23. yeah this one has really surprised me. the guy is an intolerant good ol' boy, and some "progressives" sing his virtues. amazing. Like Reagan, people like him despite disagreeing with him on many issues, because he speaks his mind and is forthcoming. McCain is viewed as a maverick, and that's appealing in this time of focus groups, polling, trial balloons and rehearsed speeches.
  25. I want a McCain Obama ticket.
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