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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Maybe put on some crampons first... then he'd get all 12 (14?) points... sorry fucko, but you haven't been around long enough to rip on kevbone. All you need is a pulse to rip on kevbone! all you need is a single functional synapse - something 'boner himself lacks
  2. Maybe put on some crampons first... then he'd get all 12 (14?) points... sorry fucko, but you haven't been around long enough to rip on kevbone. yeah, you have to judge boner by the totality of his posts over a long period of time before you can make an adequate assessment of him.
  3. somehow, I don't think that would be obvious enough. he's real slow
  4. There it goes again.
  5. No, but I keep hearing the sound of wet farts. The kind you need to go wipe yourself afterwards.
  6. Not everything. If you'd STFU it would get a lot quieter.
  7. Gary: WTF is the matter with you??!?!?!?!?
  8. Chronos is a motherfucker
  9. Does this mean we have permission to stare at your chest?
  10. Any time you ride as a passenger in a car on the freeway, in an airplane, or in a boat a mile from shore. good point!
  11. well, I'm hoping he posts some TR's with awesome photos. the lucky bastard...
  12. I love cooking; I hate cleaning up afterwards.
  13. I think he said he was going to Alaska.
  14. I think that's the chancre sore you got from Trash.
  15. Hey Mattp: told you!
  16. Rules are really guidelines and should never be followed 100%. Your brain is your best tool.
  17. I think we are in agreement! Regarding the latter I think it is a good argument for being "promiscuous" in your peer-level climbing partners so you don't get stuck in a rut. I always ask my partners to point out any issues with my pro placements or anchors and offer feedback. This can be most useful when it's a new climbing partner.
  18. linky I was swarmed by yellowjackets on the approach to Snow King a few years ago... not fun.
  19. And why the hell would you need aftershave? Last time I saw you you were as fuzzy as an Ewok... TMI sickie
  20. Without reading or having someone who knew about it first show them. Preferable the latter or both. Fuck, I'd like to learn to SCUBA dive/hang-glide/white-river kayak, etc - any other newbies out there like to go out with me? No need to read about it or have someone who has some experience show us what to do - let's just try it out!
  21. You're swinging the pendulum way to far there, Matt, and making huge assumptions about what I supposedly believe or am stating. Just how long does it take to "learn" to rappel correctly? If you don't "read" up on it, well, shit, I'd say one day with a more experienced person - more experienced, not *expert*. Not too tough. How many falls does it take to fucking die? One? That's a stupid way to learn, IMO. Sorry.
  22. OK, so you really are superior. Congratulations. Don't you still have some responsibility to try, in some small ways, to help keep other people from being killed by their stupidity regardless of what their learning may or may not have been? Or, better yet, volunteer to mentor/teach newbies so they won't make these mistakes. I guess you could just do nothing and whine on the internet... Bullshit dude. First of all I do help newbies - read my recent R&D trip report, and secondly I am not expressing "superiority". I simply can not fathom how somebody would go out climbing and try to, say, rappel without reading and practicing how to do it first.
  23. There is no reason to make some of these stupid mistakes! just a little reading and getting out with someone who is competent is all you need. I know there are gray areas, but some of the stuff cited above is so egregious I can't buy into the idea that it's part of "normal" learning.
  24. On that route I would tend to agree. But shit can always happen (eg rockfall esp. party-induced).
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