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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. "people" are inherently good. unfortunately, politicians are not human.
  2. but you do have "reward" your supporters as well (with appointments and paybacks), so you might not get to do "whatever" you want
  3. bullshit. McCain couldn't be more different than W and he hates W's guts. it seems like he wants to be president more than he wants to be different than W. he's sucking up to get elected. he'll be his own man if he gets into office, no doubt about that. his chances are slim though - he's walking a tightrope even more precarious than Gore was in '00
  4. I did. I want to bring the troops home so you can insult them to their faces and get your ass kicked?
  5. bullshit. McCain couldn't be more different than W and he hates W's guts.
  6. With or without the axles? Aw, you're just upset 'cause your wife's gettin' halfa yours in the decree. Wife? tina gets Palimony husband? wife? hermaphrodism is so confusing.
  7. keep your homoerotic fantasies to yourself... and kevbone.
  8. and you correctly use nanometers for the latter
  9. feet? WTF. speak Canadian
  10. sounds like kevbone's and pink's personal credo
  11. orientation of your grip
  12. In the case of Dru, so true... after all, you are what you eat.
  13. for some reason, I don't believe this self-description...
  14. you haven't been that short since you were 12!
  15. yeah, you do break a lot of it
  16. Screw that. I vote for 50.
  17. what's your target weight?
  18. Damn, Minx, you've been feisty!
  19. It's all par for the course for HC. He's way too fast and loose with the racial slurs. Makes you wonder.
  20. Hey, you changed your avatar!
  21. Wait, are you talking about Canadians or gays? never mind... no difference
  22. Wait, are you talking about Canadians or gays?
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