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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. *** You are ignoring this user *** Toggle the display of this post Fuck Off, you maggot.
  2. you're size S all around
  3. i would- any time any place. yeah, whatever, size "S"
  4. how 'bout using fat people to fuel our homes? harvest the fat from liposuction? the cosmetic surgeon lobby would love that idea! no, just chuck them in whole yeah, but then you've used them up in one shot
  5. how 'bout using fat people to fuel our homes? harvest the fat from liposuction? the cosmetic surgeon lobby would love that idea!
  6. The right = commie? You're a stupid fuck. No, you didn't get it. He meant that you've got fialty to Big Idea, failed ideologies in your blood. He's right on the money about that, but it's not your fault. Blame the sheep-like babushka's who spawned you. you have no idea what you're talking about - as usual. you don't fucking know me personally, so quit pretending that you do. I have no desire to engage in conversations with you, get it, you fat ass, tit-toting loser? In real life, you'd never say this shit to me, trust me. Now, FOAD. MKTHXBY.
  7. yes, actually, a lot has changed. you need to pull your head out of your ass and realize it's not 1983 or whenever the fuck you emigrated, you russophobic psycho nutcase
  8. The right = commie? You're a stupid fuck.
  9. there is no Soviet Union you stupid ass
  10. you'd support that with what basis? what exactly would be the cost and benefit of this? would it even put a dent in our energy consumption? our dependence on oil?
  11. you engage in as much empty rhetoric as he does. And so does your party.
  12. A communist 5 year plan is something very specific you stupid obfuscating fuck. They were about total state control of the economy and led to false promises for output, forced labor and starvation. "Plans" in general are not the same thing. Not in the least. So let's get back on topic and quit changing the subject: Obama has no plan, just slogans. It's pretty sad that morons just suck up the sloganeering with no questions asked.
  13. I love it. You admit that you have no plan. It's all propaganda and sloganeering.
  14. yeah, and hell might freeze over as well...
  15. That's what I thought: No plan. Just slogans. Yes we can! Yes we can!
  16. Yeah Fairweather, you can sell your military memorabilia on Ebay! yes we can! yes we can! platitudes, mantras, and propaganda. just your type, Prole
  17. Show me the money. Hey FW, prole wants a money shot.
  18. yeah, and your "solution" is empty gestures... and worse. par for the course from the left
  19. А зачем Вы злой? Просто через то, что у Вас нету партнеров на альпизм?
  20. KaskadskyjKozak


    your a tool you misspelled "you're" your mama you misspelled "yo"
  21. My advice to you is to start drinking heavily
  22. and you're a walking blue bag.
  23. ...because the red kind didn't kill enough people. prole the watermelon, green on the outside and red to the core.
  24. the world changes; deal
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