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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. sour grapes from a 2000 bushie
  2. the average American doesn't know what the fuck Persia is, yet alone where. Sounds exotic. Something out of mythology. That's the beauty of that obfuscation.
  3. just like mosquitos and black flies, I know
  4. If you were from that shithole you'd say you were from somewhere else as well!
  5. funny thing, GGK STFU and disappeared after that little barrage. Thanks FW!!!
  6. That's because the Dems promoted defeat from the start. Even Obama has changed his tune about the surge and is now busy trying to erase what he said last year. roll your eyes all you want, you Canucks are about as steadfast as the French... at surrender
  7. Or McCain. A "repug"... see below Oops.
  8. hey, FW, Rudolf is using GGK-like grammar, maybe you can muster up a worthy insult?
  9. KaskadskyjKozak

    Hey Sobo

    it's almost 4 pm on a Fri... have you started drinking yet?
  10. you'll have to wait your turn; the line is long That's cause its so easy. bring it on, bishes!
  11. i concede that point FW: you can do better. think GGK rejoinder - that was a beaut!
  12. or Ann Coulter
  13. strap on
  14. like all ethnicities.
  15. Agreed. One can't help but notice the irony: GOP post-surge withdrawal timeline = Mission Accomplished. DNC post-surge withdrawal timeline = Admitting Defeat. or, alternatively, GOP post-surge withdrawal timeline = Admitting Defeat
  16. it's ok, you'll alway have jenkem
  17. i hear there's some good skiing and climbing in Iran
  18. mission accomplished
  19. KaskadskyjKozak

    Poo Thread

    if you forgot about the falling pillar at vantage, how the hell could we expect you to remember a photo?
  20. less not none. and less is better.
  21. KaskadskyjKozak

    Poo Thread

    Type 4 this morning. Quite nice, a little messy on the cleanup.
  22. well, except for the following 28. Idaho: 24.5% 29. New Hampshire: 24.4% 30. Virginia: 24.3% 31. Nevada: 24.1% 32. New Mexico: 24% 33. Wyoming: 23.7% ... 36. Montana, Utah, and Washington, D.C.: 21.8% ... 40. Colorado: 18.7%
  23. good point
  24. not so weird, but oh so fun: on an open project i'm currently trying, there's a left hand side-pully teensy crimp, and the next hold for the right hand is a half pad crimp up and left of it, so it's a weird balancy dyno off of a high left foot, up and over drive-by to a decent right hand crimp and my body pendulums all the way around pivoting on the left toe and right crimp and it's about aim and then powering to hold the swing with one hand, since the left crimp becomes virtually useless once i've swung onto the right hand. whew. oh and it's overhung too, adding to the above issues. Is there a translator in the house? some kind of rockclimber talk. if I climbed I'd get it
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