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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Execute them. see, you CAN relate to commies! You are one stupid motherf*****
  2. one syllable words: 12 two syllable words: 1 content free? yes
  3. Nice run on, you blathering tool. Talk about diarrhea of the mouth - you've evidently acquired a chronic case of verbal Giardia.
  4. single syllable word count: 18 dual syllable word count: 9 three-syllable word count: 2 Indeed.
  5. Ha ha! Where we you when Bush was stomping on the constitution you regressive right wing goon! You are a jackass and moran and quite frankly only Rush or Glenn Beck would believe your corporate tool shenanigans and snake-oil salesmanship.
  6. Execute them.
  7. [video:youtube]v=nhe1SuBGkiA
  8. [video:youtube]uYLQbErkaU0
  9. There was a special avy forecast on NWAC for the weekend (considerable pretty much everywhere at all elevations up through 7K). Did you see any evidence of recent avy activity?
  10. Gay bashing now? I don't think most people consider being gay an epithet anymore. Fag. I don't know if you noticed Rob, but the "sandy vagina" comment he's used in other threads on you and me suggest he may not think all that highly of women either. You know, like it's insulting to suggest you might be one? Add in the disdain for the mentally handicapped he mentioned in this thread and Nitrox looks like a real winner, a broad spectrum full service sort of bigot. Are you always this whiny? Race card, sexuality card, you're just a giant walking 'hurt feeling' aren't you? it's the libtard way
  11. Hey, sounds like you! You know all talk about energy and shit, but no action whatsoever.
  12. ISLAMOPHOBE KNUCKLE DRAGGING REGRESSIVE OIL COMPANY SHILL! Wow, sure am glad you've found something to do besides pick nits off your balls. I keep picking you off and you keep finding your way there.
  15. Well, there's hope. After all, that was just 2 years ago.
  16. Hold on to yer horses, there, Pardner. I'll be firing up the Westie for 11worth in a couple weeks. Best to let the anticipation build a little... (sorry for the premature "Free Saturday" plug. The calendar in my head is often a week short of a month. ) you waiting for the ticks to fry before you come? (if so, wise move)
  17. what the fuck does this have anything to do with what has been discussed? beside, having the red-baiter in you wanting to insinuate that some of us are the equivalent of Lysenko? YEAH! TAKE THAT YOU REGRESSIVE KNUCKLE-DRAGGER REGRESSIVE OIL-COMPANY CORPORATE TOOL SHILL!!! I SHOWED YOU!!!!
  18. I cited the source and they cited their source. What more do you want, a forensics examination of each individual pixel? Sleazy racist, got it. Maybe try "inbred" between Sleazy and Racist, that would really sound good. don't forget "regressive Neanderthal shill"
  19. Exactly. :tup:
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