i always car pool, but hey keep talking out of your fat ass
in any case, any trip to ski, hike, climb or whatever, really is not necessary. It's killing the planet after all, and we have a CRISIS, remember?
Jay's more likely to be found at the Hilton giving talks to corporate weasels like himself on how they can take advantage of the budgetary crises created by the economic downturn to pick up public assets for a song and gouge taxpayers turned "customers".
I wish!
In reality I'm far more likely to be found crashing in the back of my truck in Walmart parking lots.
You wish? Well brother, I recommend checking out "Making Sociopathy Work For You" from your local library. Cash in on your antisocial tendencies and repressed fears!
I heard that public sector unions bought out the entire press run but I'll check it out when I get a chance.
Is that the title authored by TTK? I wondered where he got his income from.
Highest bidder? I think you mean lowest. We only turn vital services over to whoever is the cheapest.
According to Comrade Prole, the interstate highway system is useless anyways.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess picking up on sarcasm was never your strong suit?
The dude is so nutty, you never know.
Libtards on this forum have bitched about the Interstate Highway System before, BTW, and there was no doubt they were not utilizing "sarcasm".
Highest bidder? I think you mean lowest. We only turn vital services over to whoever is the cheapest.
According to Comrade Prole, the interstate highway system is useless anyways.
right back at you.
Oh, did I direct that at you, or are you just Bill's lap dog?
you posted it on spray, not in a personal message to bill. you do understand how this site works, right?
I don't know if ferry service is an "essential" service, but my guess is that in this case public wins over private - it would be more expensive (with less service per day) if privatized.
yeah everyone fits into the same pigeon hole, thanks j_b
The comment about funding islanders was just over the top. There are plenty of bridges that facilitate access to people living in one place and driving to another to work too (I-90 and 520 bridge anyone?)
I think you mean the people who live on the islands are thankful, I doubt many residents on the east side of the state agree with it.
Maybe not. But myself and the other Seattlites are happily paying for their nice highways now, aren't we? Amazing how things work in a society.
People who *live* on the islands aren't the only ones using the ferries. Duh.
What do/will the bottom 50% of wage-earners pay?
Go look at your 1040.
fuck the rich. we should draw and quarter them and put their dismembered corpses along all our interstate freeways as a warning against being too successful