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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. And yet the D's scream about how terrible and deep the R's cuts are. LOL Yeah, that .7% merits the shrill histrionics!
  2. ru f-king hostile?
  3. I'm fairly certain that your Mom doesn't let you out of your padded cell.
  4. Right. So where were you? Instead of inflicting us with your verbal diarrhea, you could have been putting your money where your mouth is, leading your progressive cohorts on an unprecedent wave of change-inducing protests.
  5. Fuck. Maybe I'll climb on election day.
  6. You'll still vote for BHO in 2012, like the good little bitch that you are
  7. +1 In early May you've got a good shot at getting a spot in the shelter. :-)
  8. Agreed. With two parties, the necessary coalitions that result combined with the corrupting influences (money, lobbies, paying off friends and supporters) basically waters down each party to the point of not standing for much.
  9. I guess they actually do something (other than post on an internet climbing site).
  10. I am strongly for it but it was a jab at liberals who seem to think that it is an adequate "trade off" for austerity/warmongering and the total hijacking of our democracy. it was a joke; to laugh would require a personality, a sense of humor, and, well, the ability to do so.
  11. you reply because you enjoy being pissed... almost as much as feeling sorry for yourself and the sorry state of the world
  12. You know damn well I am right. But keep on keepin on with your "crusade"
  13. Your "point" is pretty much nothing but endless permutations on the theme of how much life (in the US) is unfair and sucks. In other words, whining.
  14. Life must sure be tough when nothing makes you happy ever, eh j_b?
  15. Either way your incessant, shrill whining will continue.
  16. Does this mean you are not voting for Hillary?
  17. Hillary in 2012!
  18. O-suck's 2012 campaign slogan? It's a good thing the opposition has a viable, promising candidate
  19. Not to mention you don't want to get sap all over your rope. So, it's a lose-lose. :-)
  20. Rain? I was climbing Monkey Face on the first in shorts and a t-shirt. Blue bird day........ You were climbing?
  21. Yeah, high/extreme avy in the backcountry every day is awesome!
  22. Hiding behind another alias avatar... who's the pussy?
  23. Why are there so many alias avatars?
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