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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Didn't get out again, eh?
  2. It was a beautiful weekend here in Washington.
  3. Does anyone know if this was skiers right or left? Last year we were warned by the ranger not to descend skiers left. Very sad story indeed. The Enchantments are such a wonderful place to visit, and it is so sad when someone perishes merely enjoying this beauty. Rest in peace.
  4. It was nice meeting you up top (beard and all). It was indeed a great outing!
  5. Tuition has been rising at a rate far above inflation for decades.
  6. Keep your odor fetishes to yourself, sicko.
  7. Has anyone been up to the peaks in the Cascade River Road area and could comment on how the ridges of Forbidden look? Are the crests/routes snowfree yet?
  8. At the same time Americans' ability to pay is shrinking. But hey, don't get your panties in a bunch. You're the one who whines about your student loans.
  9. Costs are going up for a variety of fucked up reasons... Yep, two and half wars that in direct, indirect, and replenishment costs will run three trillion and Bush's [unproductive] tax cuts at 2.35 trillion. The wars come to $60 billion per state and the tax cuts at $47 billion per state - basically $10.7 billion per year per state. As someone with a daughter with one more year at UW I suppose we'll go ahead and pay what will be 55% increases over the time she's been in college - but anyone who doesn't realize where the money went is blind, delusional, or both. When I was in the UC system tuition went up from about $550 per quarter to well over a thousand. This has been going on for decades. Blame Bush, yawn - the stupid one track record is getting boring. There are many reasons costs of universities (both public and private) are rising.
  10. Is it still "leave no trace" if you leave a hole where the bones were? Leave your quickdraws out in the open? Trash to be collected! Leave your bones in the dirt? The same!!!
  11. you forgot: the one who inflated the huge ass housing bubble in the first place Barney Frank!
  12. Costs are going up for a variety of fucked up reasons - some of which I'd love to roll back (and you'd probably vehemently oppose). Rising costs will hurt me just like it will you in about 10 years or so, Rob.
  13. Time for austerity!
  14. There's no such thing as a free lunch, j_bot!
  15. Oh, look: HOT CARL!
  16. JayB: 1 Prole: 0
  17. Speaking of FAIL, the sooner this failure is gone, the better
  18. Now we're getting somewhere, at long last. And the connection between participating in a leisure activity that requires immense amounts of persistence, sacrifice, discipline, deferred gratification and getting into and completing college is...completely random? Something that happens only after someone sits in a lecture hall for X number of hours? It's amazing what a shitty job college has done at developing Comrade Prole's analytical skills.
  19. Another one on my list. Good stuff!
  20. Barry must be so happy she is running.
  21. Cool. This one is on my list!
  22. Yep. Planning next weekend already.
  23. I'm betting, however, that you both accomplished the same regarding making the world a better place over the weekend. Who is in a better place is up for debate I suppose. I'm betting much of the middle class managed to enjoy their weekend despite their supposedly imminent demise
  24. How're the guitar gigs going, boner?
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