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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Funny but it's the rich WA Democrat fat-cats who are voting themselves and their staffs tax-payer funded college educations at the expense of running necessary services like the State Parks system. And they would have found a way to spend that income tax on things other than the parks - guaranteed.
  2. look - a libtard circle jerk!
  3. It's extremely important to focus on such core issues that the electorate really cares about. What could be more important than this issue in today's economic landscape after all?
  4. Wow, hadn't thought about that! I never have to read another book again! I'll just decide how the premise of the book fits into my already fully-formed, airtight worldview, read the five-star or one-star reviews on Amazon, determine whether or not I think they seem "well written", and go about my day not having learned a fucking thing. Ah, the internet... As if you are any different than that.
  5. Your statements do not reflect the topic at hand - the Discovery Pass. There is no option to stop maintaining trails (which the WTA does anyways) or to close outhouses. The new pass keeps these "services" and forces folks to pay for them.
  6. You said that funding education was more important than funding parks. This is an argument used to cut things like PE and sports programs in public schools (learning math and how to read and write is the #1 priority). Green spaces, physical exercise and the outdoors are just as important as education.
  7. They are not grooming the trails. They are charging us (supposedly) for TP in the foul pit-toilets and parking spots at TH's. Hmm....I'm still not sure that's a better investment than education. What a waste. I can always bring my own TP. I do anyway. And of course you did not comment on this: "Eliminate free tuition for WA State employees at all four year colleges/universities. They should pay their own way--just like everyone else." Our state gov't showing it's Orwellian colors (some animals are more equal than others). Like FW said, let them pay for their education like the rest of us. And spending times in the outdoors is just as important as "education" - and is actually a part of it. Are you the guy who favors cutting all PE and sports programs in primary and secondary schools when budgets get tight?
  8. They are not grooming the trails. They are charging us (supposedly) for TP in the foul pit-toilets and parking spots at TH's. Hmm....I'm still not sure that's a better investment than education. What a waste. I can always bring my own TP. I do anyway. That's not an option. Bring your own TP AND a newly-purchased parking pass.
  9. They are not grooming the trails. They are charging us (supposedly) for TP in the foul pit-toilets and parking spots at TH's.
  10. +1 nicely stated KirkW!
  11. License and tax bicycles that choose to use our public streets. Cyclists already pay taxes to use the streets - as homeowners or auto-drivers.
  12. Eliminate free tuition for WA State employees at all four year colleges/universities. They should pay their own way--just like everyone else. Eliminate the Running Start program. Eliminate the GET program--immediately. There you go! Interesting what gets cut first (things the state should be paying for - a legitimate role of gov't is to manage public lands) and what never gets cut (perks for themselves).
  13. Who is funding all those retarded roundabouts where they are not needed?
  14. My "hobby"? What a crock of BS! My real estate taxes pay for city parks, and they are nice. They don't get user fees, they don't get closed/limited access/whatever. Likewise my taxes to the state of WA should pay for state parks - no cuts and fees, etc. Period. Hey, let's start taxing use of Green Lake! $5 to park within 5 blocks of the park. How well would that go over, Matt?
  15. Well, I think the extra five bucks we've all been paying on each of our vehicle registration renewals the past few years was/is a good program--as are the volunteer efforts of groups like WTA and other organizations. It does seem like this new 'Discover Pass' program is a slap in the face to those who have already put demonstrated a willingness to pay or participate--or both. "Let no good deed go unpunished" seems to be the state motto in this case. This is all a scheme to fund other stuff. What is the guarantee that these use permits actually go to funding the parks? Maybe our legislators should take a pay cut and reduce their staff and expenditures. Yeah, right.
  16. We already pay taxes. Fund the parks first.
  17. It's simple Matt. Taxes should fund this kind of stuff way high up on the list. It should be one of the last things that gets cut.
  18. Umm, yeah, that's what all conservatives believe.
  19. Old school: ripping on 'boner! Way to go Rob!
  20. please, no more pics of TTK in a thong!
  21. Wrong, dipshit. I caught your reference to the stupid movie and opted to simply respond in a different manner than you wanted. BTW, do you wash down your bear claws with white russians or just your meds?
  22. Self-realization is a great thing. Keep working on it - you're making great progress.
  23. Yes
  24. I need a caffeine IV drip.
  25. Coupled with the D's congress refusal to cut their programs during said buildup. Since then... military cuts big time in the wake of the fall of the Communist block, bases closed, taxes raised twice (read my lips + Bubba), then more spending under W and 2 wars, W on anything under the sun, and B-HO on all the latter and more. But let's keep it simple and just say "Reagan". Umm yeah. And let's not forget the "War on Poverty" (how's that coming along, btw?), and Vietnam.
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