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Everything posted by ClipStick

  1. My four year old naps every-day...during school...on the weekends it's non-stop till he finally passes out...around 9:30-10:00....I can occasionally get him down at 7:30...that's a dream come true.. As far as hikes...The afformentioned book is a necessity...great compelation of places.. There is a place called Mirror Lake...great hike..and I think camping.
  2. Haha..nice.....Maybe I should head the opposite direction huh???
  3. Hit me up...got weekends off work.... Daniel havndzine@comcast.net
  4. Who's going???? I'm planning it, just got some loose ends to tie up before I can set it in stone.
  5. Looking for someone with patience and trad experience to help me grow as a climber...I can be your belay grunt for a little exposure and routes I would otherwise never get to enjoi....If you're patient and don't mind teaching a bit while enjoying the experience, you would be a good match. Also, just looking for compatible people to climb with...Weekends are my only free time, and I currently climb sport 5.9 to 5.10b-c...Boudering is great too...just rock in general anything rock...even concrete rock works as a fix...like a junky to methadone... email - havndzine@comcast.net or just call/text 425-891-4871
  6. We should all get together....Saturday EARLY would be great...I'm talking be at X38 at 7:30... I too am fairly Newbie territory when it comes to the Northwest...been here 5 years, but had a kiddo in that time and didn't have a lot of time... Daniel 425-891-4871...leading sport 9s to 10b...maybe...haven't been outside for a while...
  7. I even see scary stuff like that at Marymoor...or not so much scary as just stupid..
  8. Just to let everyone know. The main boulder at Rattlesnake Ridge/Lake is completely dry. Defintely makes for a pretty easy/good day with the family. Swim in the Lake, Hike up to the ridge, and climb some decent boulders... I did see some info in a guide before about the boulders, but didn't have it with me...probably 90% V1-V2 easy, but some decent lines could be had...
  9. Guess I'm just a Noob anyway..to the Northwest...Too much rock and too little time...
  10. Can't believe you'd send a "friend" up a rope without the instructions on how the hell to get down...Funny story tho...good thing you didn't get splattered with brain tissue as a result of their incompetence... I keep wishing this sport would lose its popularity...I hate busy crags...turns me off completely from climbing...
  11. I'm around that 9-10 range as well...Western WA, tho...might make it to Vantage a couple times this summer tho... I'm looking at this Saturday or Sunday Exit38...maybe...
  12. Seams in hose always crooked...It took me five minutes to figure that out.... That's priceless....My wife sails the failboat on that test...She doesn't even wear hose...
  13. Definitely not the best "Frontline" ever produced...but the interviews were a different perspective than the book. It definitely did not add anything to the conversation, but it made some aspects a bit more personal. Does anyone know where to get the Origional "made for TV" mini-series/movie "Into Thin Air"??? That's a climbing classic right there...I think Rob Hall is the actor Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore...I can never remeber the guys real name...
  14. ClipStick


    It's not the drugs fault people abuse them....so don't blame the meth for the addict stealing your wallet... Nicotine is by far the most phsically addictive drug...it sucks to quit, as I just did again for the umpteenth time....so two weeks into it, and I'll have to wake up every day of my life and tell myself I am NOT going to smoke today... Oh the life of an addict...
  15. Look, I'm gotta be honest...I'm a weekend warrior...The days of weeklong cragging seem to have slipped away.... So looking for people or groups to do some Thursday night climbing at Marymoor, just to get to know everyone, and fine tune ropework prior to real world stuff... Anyways...I usually get to M-Moor at 7:00...
  16. This is the gardens at Lil Si right. It looks awesome. Some ass at rockclimbing.com told me it wasn't worth my time. Looks like a nice area to me. With enought traffic any rock will be clean. I don't think Squamish boulder clean themselves.
  17. My wife and I love the area out there and have climbed there a few times. Now that our son 13 months is getting over the eatting everything stage, it'll be easier to do some cragging. The coulee would be a good place. Relatively flat cliff bases and soft ground for the most part. Thanks for the open invitation. I'm glad to see people opening up. This was what I wanted to start. Family groups where some people can just hang out with the kids and some climb, then switching for a while. Things will change dramatically when the kids get to be about four and they can do a little climbing themselves, but until then it's going to be baby-sitting and climbing seperately.
  18. How is it that so many feel so powerless against our own "democratic" government. We see the problems developing before our eyes, yet, we have no power to stop them. If we continue down this path, Bush's influence will create a GOP only government. When can we finally get a few people in Washington DC that don't rely on the mighty dollar to make a decision.
  19. That's great, where do you normally take them?? My son is only 1, so he's sort of hands on a lot of the time. I've been looking at X38, but not sure about the terrain and if it would be feasible for him to come along. My wife and I both climb and would love to meet up with some other's who are in the same situation. Gritscone is another place I think would be a kid friendly zone. Do you climb with a lot of people? When do you go? I've only got the weekends for the most part, so the crowds are an issue.
  20. ClipStick

    Hang Boards

    After using my board, Franklin brand, for a few month and getting rather bored with the configuration, I placed plywood on either side of the doorway to add a bunch of screw-in jibs. This let me vary my weight and do a lot of different pulls and hangs. This then evolved into a small, but fun climbing wall in my hallway. Now I can do a full body workout in my apartment. You have to be creative and use what you've got to the fullest.
  21. Hi, looking for a group of climbers and partners who have small kids 1-6 years old and would like to plan some climbing for the summer. My wife and I live near Seattle, so X38 area would be the most reasonable. Also, Marymoor Park in Redmond would be a great place to break the ice, train, and maybe have a barbeque. It's tough with kids, but if we band together we'll have plenty of eyes to watch the little ones. Anyone is welcome as long as you love kids.
  22. Do you think the staff would chill with my 1 year old son. He climbs all over everything.
  23. Looking for someone or people to climb in Squamish or Leavenworth this weekend and/or next 04-10-04 or 04-17-04. Bouldering and Sport
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