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Posts posted by Camilo

  1. Nobody has said this yet, but if women are in their prime from 15-20, men are from 17-18. After that, the hair on their head falls out and gets replanted in their ass. So why make a big deal out of it? At least girls get 5 years.

  2. Squid, I remember every single one of your glorious posts. The time you were absent from here was a lonely time for me.


    As for "teh," I'm not influenced by olyclimber's sigs, so sorry for missing the reference.

  3. Not in Chile wave.gif

    True, but close enough.

    Here's a worthless but cool fact I learned when I was down there this year: The border between Chile and Argentina was determined by the watersheds of the Pacific and Atlantic, so along the ridges of the Andes. In the South, though, there's a big area where they couldn't determine the exact divide so it's just a gray area on maps. Exciting stuff, huh?

  4. Any metrosexual approved nightspots for a 2 10hr layovers in Bangkok? (no ladyboys!)

    Man, what's a nightspot without a ladyboy? Honestly, we didn't really hit any nightspots. We stayed in the Sukhumvit Rd. area which was way mellower than Khao San Rd. I couldn't even hear myself think on Khao San Rd during the day, I don't know how people could sleep there at night. There was a cool bar by where we were staying, outdoor and no bar girls. Called Chucks I think, on Soi Sukhumvit 11. Takes about 30 minutes from the airport with no traffic. Costs about $6 for a cab into town. I can't imagine going into a bar in Bangkok as a guy alone, the bar girls are relentless. I went walking for 10 minutes without my girlfriend once, and the girls were grabbing at me trying to pull me in. . . not that that doesn't happen to me everywhere laugh.gif

  5. Have fun Avie! I'm headed back to Bangkok tomorrow night, and then home on Monday so we probably won't run into each other. Have a great time though. And you should definitely check out the little coffee stand across the road from the Green Valley in Ton Sai. It's really cool, and the guy who runs it is awesome.

  6. Hey everyone! I'm in Thailand right now. I just left Ton Sai and it was amazing. I stayed in Rai Lai with my girlfriend for 3 nights, and then realized we should be in Ton Sai. It's 10x more laid back, and pretty much all climbers. Really cool and cheap. The longer you stay, the cheaper the places are. I stayed at the Green Valley Resort which has bungalows ranging from bamboo shacks with for about $10 a night to wood places (where I stayed) for about $15, to brick places for $25 a night. There's also apparently a place up in the hills where you can stay for 100 Baht per night. That's $2.50 a day. Basically a bamboo box, and you have to worry about monkeys stealing your stuff.


    There's lots of construction going on right now, a lot of beachfront buildings were lost in the tsunami but a ton have already rebuilt. The Ton Sai places were rebuilt pretty basic for the most part, out of wood, bamboo, and thatched roofs.


    Speaking of tsunami, my girlfriend and I are in Khao Lak right now, about a 2.5 hour drive from Krabi. This area was the hardest hit area in Thailand, with around 80-90% of the population lost. We're volunteering with the reconstruction and it's amazing. Meeting the nicest people we've ever met, both locals and volunteers from around the world. If anybody is interested, their website is www.tsunamivolunteer.net. Anybody can show up to volunteer, but (as we found out when we showed up yesterday) they require a minimum of 2 weeks work. Luckily, there are tons of other projects going on and we met up with other people and got some work. We've seen some crazy stuff, specifically the three boats that got washed ashore at least a mile from the beach. I'll post pictures when I get back. Much more sobering to see in person than in pictures or on the news.

  7. another thing...a crash diet is stupid...you shouldn't drop more than a pound to 2 pounds (depending on how large a frame you have) a week if you wanna really keep it off in the long run....

    Rumr, aren't you a wrestler? I bet you see this kind of crazy crash weight loss stuff all the time. My little brother wrestles in high school and the stuff they do to themselves to make weight makes me sick.

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