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Posts posted by Camilo

  1. technique for ease of pasty making is _______

    I've never made pasties before. I buy them at Spartacus.

    I LOVE that place!! Best shop in Portland.

    Whoah! Missed this one. Yup, Spartacus rules. I bought a lucha libre mask there in high school. I also have their t-shirt.

  2. In case people don't want to click over:

    In my reply to an earlier post I stated that Mountain Gear would test a sample of our in-stock Aliens and post results on this forum. Following are our findings. Please realize that Mountain Gear’s tests results are not “official,” they were not independent, nor did they represent a random sampling of all Aliens.


    We took nine units of various sizes and date stamps dating back to the earliest we had in stock which is 0605 for pull testing. Of the nine Aliens tested, three brazes failed and the cable pulled out at below the CCH-stated max strength for that size. The failures were from different sizes and date stamps, and included both Hybrid and regular Aliens.


    Since we reported these findings to Dave at CCH, he has been working diligently to identify the source and scope of the problem. I expect that we will see information from him soon. According to Dave, CCH is also reporting the issue to the CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission), and will work in concert with them to remove the potentially affected Aliens from the Market. You will have to rely on this process to get the final results of the investigation of these products.


    We have also informed REI of our findings and they reacted quickly to work with CCH and Mountain Gear so that there can be a coordinated effort to get the potentially affected Aliens off the market and off climbers racks.


    If you bought potentially affected Aliens from Mountain Gear:

    We will contact you with instructions on getting them returned, inspected, repaired and/or replaced. We will also post information by Friday 12 p.m. PST on returning potentially affected CCH product at aliens" target="_blank">www.mountaingear.com/aliens.


    Mountain Gear wants the best results for the climbing community. I wish I could tell you more but this is the best information we have at this time. We will continue to encourage CCH to act quickly to thoroughly complete their investigation, and will post more information on our website as we receive it from CCH or the CPSC.


    Paul Fish


    Mountain Gear, Inc

  3. I just saw this on Craigs List. Just reposting it. I don't actually have it although if I had a garage... You can find it here

    I can pick it up Thursday AM if it is still available.



    You've got to contact the Craigslist guy, not the poster here. cantfocus.gif

  4. Glad to see you're working on your thought frequency, Pope. Keep the trend up, and you could be a functional member of society by year's end!



    He posted this almost three years ago. wave.gif

  5. What carrier should I use the next time I fly to Southern California?

    Your automobile.


    Actually, I've flown between PDX and SoCal about 40 times with Alaska without even so much as a delay.

  6. You sure got a pretty mouth

    And you have an ugly mind. That book gives me the creeps. Great grammar lessons in it though...

    They made a book out of the movie? confused.gif

  7. I also sent him a copy of the picture of the front cover that "Camilo" posted. He said that wasn't his photo for his guide book.

    Curses! madgo_ron.gif

    I guess that means the copy I bought from Dru was just the original with a fake cover. You bastard!

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