Again, we must be fair and not hyper partisan. The war in Kosovo was fought without UN approval, precisely because the U.S. couldn't get it. I believe at that time it was Russia and China who were leading the opposition. It was multi-lateral only in name. The U.S. had to provide virtually all of the weaponry and effort. (That war was famous for exposing the uselessnes of European defense forces.) There needs to be some other reason to justify being for "Kosovo" and against "Iraq" than getting the approval and help of other countries. That one was during a Democrat’s term as president, and one was during the term of a Republican most all posters here hate isn’t a good reason. In any case, I certainly don’t live my life deciding what is right based on what the majority of others tell me, and I certainly don’t think a president and our leaders should determine what is right based on a vote of other countries' leaders. Even more specific, the morally bankrupt U.N. is a very poor arbiter of what is right. Look how well they are doing in Darfur with the obsessively multi-lateral consensus approach.