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About ChickenShiite911

  • Birthday 11/26/2017

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. It is quite obvious to me that Trask, if not a practicing homosexual, is almost certainly a latent one. Think about it. Anyone who spents as much time as he apparently does contemplating homosexual practices and lifestyles must be motivated by a desperate inner need to affirm his sexual identity. Someone with a healthy sexual identity, be it hetero or homo has no compelling need to invest their time and energies denigrating and dehumanizing those with other, or perhaps like, preferences. Furthermore, he is so venomous and prolific in his censure of these 'others' that he must own a pathologically low sense of self worth due to his unresolved sexual conflicts. As a licensed psychologist, it has been my experience that those with like personality disorders will ultimately be forced to address their sexual issues due to chronically failed interpersonal relationships and/or other life stressors. When this self awareness occurs, they will often decompensate in the form of 'homosexual crisis,' or adopt a promiscuous, and often dangerous, homosexual lifestyle. Trask needs help, and is to be far more pitied rather than censured.
  2. Figger Eight: Your choice of words, "...doing it for shits and giggles," has me wondering if the only circumstances that would justify the risk of digging a pit other than, "high and in the trees," would be like a SAR mission for plane crash survivors, or maybe trying to save some other climbers who fell into a crevasse and had only hours to live before dying of dehydration and HAPE or HACE, (because their decadron supply has run out and the batteries in their radios are going dead) and you're like their only chance to live, so you go ahead and dig a pit on an avalanche prone slope in order to make sure that you don't get avalanched on while you're trying to get to them with your nitroglycerin. Is that what you meant to say?
  3. Figger Eight: Your choice of words, "...doing it for shits and giggles," has me wondering if the only circumstances that would justify the risk of digging a pit other than, "high and in the trees," would be like a SAR mission for plane crash survivors, or maybe trying to save some other climbers who fell into a crevasse a had only hours to live before dying of dehydration and HAPE or HACE, (because their decadron supply has run out and the batteries in their radios are going dead) and you're like their only chance to live, so you go ahead and dig a pit on an avalanche prone slope in order to make sure that you don't get avalanched on while you're trying to get to them with your nitroglycerin. Is that what you meant to say?
  4. Approximately 230 climber/extras will be needed this spring (tentative dates are May 20th through June 5th) at Beacon Rock State Park where Steven Spielberg will be directing an exciting new civil war movie depicting a little known engagement at Harper's Ferry WV, in which union troops assaulted a well defended contingent of rebel forces over vertical to nearly vertical terrain. All vintage costumes will be provided; however, it will be important that appropriate clothing be worn underneath. No lunch or refreshments will be provided. It is imperative that you arrive NLT 5:00AM on May 20th with a valid ID and proof of US citizenship. Rate of pay will be at $8 dollars per hour and will be paid daily at the end of filming. Be prepared for long hours and a lot of fun! See you there. --Affiliated Cast Productions, Inc.
  5. Q: What's the difference between a truck load of bricks, and a truck load of dead kittens? A: You can't unload a truck load of bricks with a pitchfork. Was that uh, like uh, too offensive...or what?
  6. YIKES!!! IT'S A FREAKING SNOW EMERGENCY!!! (If in trouble or in doubt run in circles scream and shout.)
  7. Wasn't it Mao Tse-tung, or someone, that said something like... "The greater our population, the more we must subjugate our individual liberties for the benefit of the masses." (in his 'Little Red Book' maybe?) I honestly don't know...thought maybe someone out there might. Seems kind of apropos to the discussion though. I think I'll shut up now and wait to get spanked...badly.
  8. Let's think about this. One study by one set of investigators with one conclusion with no coroborating scientific evidence by replicatable and quantifiable experimentation? Sounds a lot like pseudo-science to me, but what the heck, eh? I'm a good American...I'll buy it!
  9. That report is nothing but a far right-wing conspiracy in order to keep the nature loving politically-correct climbing and skiing enthusiasts out of the backcountry so that we not witness the destruction wrought on the wilderness by the capitalist bourgeois-industrialist yellow running dogs.
  10. Sorry kiddo, but I believe that he's gonna be re-elected because he's done got us in to another "hearts and minds" guerrilla war, and there was a whole generation of perfectly trained American killer youth, (kill some commies for Christ and country) who were raised in the 'Rambo/SWAT' era who were just waiting to loose their skills in a fury of death. That aside, Americans hate to lose a good war, or any war, for that matter. So we'll rally behind this president and the good 'ol US of A. We'll not stop to consider that there might actually have been something to learn from past conflicts. This president will be re-elected by a landslide, because to vote otherwise would somehow imply that you are un-American. Sadly, that's the way it'll play out. "Life is unfair, and it's unfair that life is unfair." --author unknown
  11. Captain Caveman, I am VERY interested in renting a room with a master bedroom in Redmond. I especially enjoy a good hairy narcissistic landlord of French descent who will gladly spank me hard when I'm being bad. If you could rent me this room, we will be far more than simply climbing partners and roommates... I assure you of that, Ray. Please PM me ASAP!.
  12. "To a starving man, God can only appear in the form of bread." -- Mahatma Gandhi
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