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Everything posted by suckbm

  1. Moving to kodiak this October. Any climbers up there?
  2. looking for a partner for tuesday. Ive got the whole day free. send me a pm.
  3. anyone interested, kinda late notice. send me a pm
  4. partner found
  5. Looking to climb at index on sat. Would like to mostly do 5.10-12. I have to leave by about 3pm but am willing to get out there early.
  6. climbed it today.... one of the worst shit piles at vantage
  7. SOLD
  8. Used often but in good shape. Comes with Clipper leashes, adze, two hammers, extra set of picks, extra nuts and bolts. Will ship for extra $15. Or could meet in leavenworth, vantage, ellensburg.
  9. The removal of the toilets is a good thing. Nobody used them for the last six months due to their state. Overflowing with terds and garbage. Now we just need to figure out how to get permanent pit toilets installed.
  10. partner found
  11. It might rain but i can be there by 11.
  12. single wall tents usually work well in s. America. weather is not as extreme as alaska and usually temps rise decently during the day helping to dry the tent out. Used a Integral Desings MK1 Lite and a Bibler Fitzroy both single wall both worked well.
  13. SOLD
  14. Who cares about them breaking, send them in and you might get a new tool!
  15. In good shape but used a fair amount. Shaft is wrapped with Petzl's grip tape. Comes with all grip spacers. Will ship in US for $25. Or can meet up.
  16. sorry. not to post sooner. was in canmore then salt lake city. Nothing is sold. not going to be home until the 26th but i will post photos of all the gear then. the photo above is a photo of the actual fusions.
  17. petzl reverso old style $10 petzl reversino $10 Petzl Ecrin Rock Helmet- White $20 Black Diamond Fusion Ice Tools- $175 Lowa Civetta Plastic Boots with Intuition Liners Size 11- $75 Metolious Haul Bag Half Dome color-gray(NEVER USED)- $125 Located in Ellensburg, can bring to ice fest in seattle. Buyer pays shipping. Can show photo on request. Thanks, Erik
  18. Looking for a partner for all or some of these days for technical alpine route(s) or water ice (wi3-5). A trip to bozeman or banff/canmore would be fun, local alpine routes if they are in would also be an option, open to ideas. I could possibly also get the 13th free. Send me a PM.
  19. so does this route climb the blank slab at the top or do you rap off the bolt with the old sling. doesnt seem to bad to redpoint if you dont climb the slab
  20. who has them, do you like them, take a while to get used to, how do they perform on easier, less than vertical ice? thanks
  21. trango prime just looks like a new version of the la sportiva trango ice evo boot
  22. the cheap bastard is the worst pad on the market. falls apart easier than you would believe
  23. suckbm

    John Frieh

    laying down after a workout is a sign of mental weakness. Also if all those crossfit weenies keep puking after workouts there gonna build a bad habit and puke when they get marginally tired on their "alpine" climbs.
  24. still snow on the approach due to the side of the canyon it is on
  25. suckbm


    Is it considered bulimia if you throw up the junk food you eat and keep down the healthy stuff in order to lose weight for rock climbing?
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