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Everything posted by Lord_Bosco

  1. blah blah blah is correct, mister. - first I'm gonna solo Willis Wall with my pants on backwards; - then I'm gonna climb all kinds of hard stuff in several different areas that will make everybody think I'm alpine-ambitious and capable...; - then do none of it, but report my grandiose wish-lists again same time next year and leave the impression that I'm a big shot just 'cause I'm "thinkin' 'bout it". - then I'm gonna look up the word self-aggrandizement in the dictionary to see if any of this fits in. "...scored a carabiner at the base of Mountie's Buttress. Gonna go up there again this Spring and see if there are any more."
  2. Lord Bosco has taken the time to review this whole issue of cc.com over-moderation and bannings which has really changed the nature of this place, a little for the better, but in my opinion, mostly for the worst. As someone pointed out, the sheer number of moderators (18+?) (perhaps also maintaining additional "avatars"), with the power to ban, edit and expunge creates an environment of camp guards monitoring inmates. Some of these "moderators" are themselves really quite poor examples, and themselves participate in the vulgarity, name-calling and other negative aspects I found the following comments interesting in a recent post by Moderator Minx: MM: "how many people do you think have been banned lately? what do you think they've been banned for doing?" LB: Nobody knows the names or numbers. Perhaps the "bannings" should be publicly announced along with an explanation so they won't appear so arbitrary, and perhaps give site-users an inkling of what's "acceptable" or not...although there seems to be a lack of consistency among the moderators. Or are the bannings arbitrary? Reasons for bannings? It keeps lots of people guessing but probably for being smartalecky and sometimes vulgar on the site or in forums where "the rules" are ambiguous and subject to a wide range of interpretations by various "moderators". MM: "strident opinions won't get you banned or even moderated, especially in spray." LB: Nonsense. At least one individual, "Dwayner", was banned for his strident views about bolting and sportclimbing. That perhaps combined with a dislike of him by one or more of the site owners/moderators. His buddy pope might, it seems, have been thrown out for similar reasons(or was he "reinstated" and then left?. MM: "How much moderation do you think is going on in this forum? answer-VERY VERY VERY LITTLE. other forums definitely have tighter behaviour requirements AS THEY SHOULD!" LB: Apparently too much as a number of people seem have given up unhappily and are leaving voluntarily. MM: "IN CLOSING: SHUT UP AND QUIT WHINING ABOUT STUFF THAT ISN'T HAPPENING. GO WHINE TO YOUR IMAGINARY FRIENDS B/C THEY'RE THE ONES WHO ARE GETTING banned." LB: Classy coming from a moderator! Just some observations. - Lord Bosco
  3. "those of us who are over 30 should be dead, and here's why..." Should be more like 40 and over. Many of the official government restraints were well on their way with the creation of such institutions as OSHA, for example, in 1971 and a surge of commonplace hyper-litigation. - Lord Bosco P.S. Everybody wants a piece of the era. e.g. Number of people who went to Woodstock: approximately 400,000. Number of people who claim they were there at Woodstock: perhaps 4 million. Number of people in their 20's claiming that they were conceived at Woodstock (1969): more than you might imagine.
  4. I've wallowed through this stuff and here is what came to mind: If Dwayner was banned for his insistant ethical spin, then why isn't there an ethics forum where this stuff can find a home? Shoveling it into spray and banning indicates contempt for the issue or other viewpoints. It seems that coming back as yourself under some other name and carrying on as normal would be a tacit admission of some sort of guilt, apology, or admission of the legitimacy of the banning. And what's with the Ph.D. stuff? What's a Ph.D. have to do with this site? I know plenty and amongst them are some of the smartest and some of the stupidest people I've ever met. They're like everybody else but have been to school longer. There's probably a few Ph.D.'s on this site but so what. It seems to matter more to those without than to those with. Bust your butt and get your own if it's an issue to you. Lord Bosco, Ph.D.
  5. Willy: He's too busy training to send that 5.13, he's got no time to post Lord_Bosco: Speaking of Dwayner....I saw him cranking cracks in the Wonderland of Rocks in J.T. about a month ago. Not too shabby! I asked about him being banned and he didn't have much to say about it. He did ask me to post a message to his few buddies who participate in cc.com. Here it is: "sauna sausage" (whatever that means.) P.S. Hey willy-boy. nice way of judging people you don't know. enjoy your yucks, "master alpinist". Peter Puget: Wow Dwayner you're posting up a storm today! PP Mr. Puget: go back to your fascinating rock climbing forum and stare at the screen. I suppose that any day now someone will post something interesting, although it probably won't be you. In the meantime, enjoy your fantasies.
  6. He's too busy training to send that 5.13, he's got no time to post Speaking of Dwayner....I saw him cranking cracks in the Wonderland of Rocks in J.T. about a month ago. Not too shabby! I asked about him being banned and he didn't have much to say about it. He did ask me to post a message to his few buddies who participate in cc.com. Here it is: "sauna sausage" (whatever that means.) P.S. Hey willy-boy. nice way of judging people you don't know. enjoy your yucks, "master alpinist".
  7. I've observed the quantity and quality of that which you call "spray". A mere suggestion for a partial remedy: - Lord Bosco
  8. Found some photos taken of some of the many fans at the opening of the new Lord of the Rings Movie. Looks like quite a few (all?) of the cc.com regulars were there! Quite a crowd! It just shows that there is no rule that says that if one is a climber, that one cannot likewise be a patron of the arts! Lord Bosco was busy that evening but would not have attended anyway.
  9. Dru and Willy: Perhaps YOU don't "get it". (and that's not a double entendre in typical cc.com fashion). Maria Coffey has lived IT in some ways you haven't and by her own individuality and experience possesses insights and perspectives that you don't. Read the book and see what it says about your own reflection in the mirror and how your choices might affect others, then come back informed and pop off if you feel so inclined. As for climbing being trendy, it is. It's easier to do than ever before with a minimum of gear and knowledge needed to "succeed" on a sport-crag or indoors. With rock gyms blasting reggae, REI selling gear in fashionable colors, glossy ads in outdoor magazines promoting a "cool" image, plus a dose of competition to provide drama and heroes, and behold: you got rollerblading and disco for the new millennium. Maybe they'll all get bored after a couple of years but I doubt it. Hopefully they'll stay out of the mountains where their limited skills won't help much.
  10. The site behind the items for sale is a hoax/comedy gag.
  11. No one is innocent here.
  12. "Where the Mountain Casts its Shadow." by Maria Coffey Anyone thoughtful who climbs in the mountains should read this book. It will make you think, it might make you consider the implications of your choices, and will likely provide insights into your motivations.
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