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John Frieh

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Everything posted by John Frieh

  1. Rocky Butte Improvements: McKenzie (doesn't post on the site but if you've been to dt night you know him) and I built a retaining wall, leveled the ground, put down a bail of hay, and removed some loose rocks from the routes on Sat below the newbie routes. The hay basically eliminates the mud issue (sorry Troy... this might hamper your mud pon research ). Mac donated all the building materials (lumber, stakes, rebar, hay, etc) as well as provided power tools... if you see him at the Madrone Slide Show you should buy him a . In leveling the ground the routes are now approximately 4' taller! I'll try to get out there and take some pics today. FYI for anyone out there please do not stand/step on top of the retaining wall. Thanks! PDX DT night sabbatical/new dt area development: Mac and I will be busy developing the new area for approximately the next month (give or take) so I won't have time to hold the weekly session. With that said you all know where the routes are... get out there yourself and enjoy the improvements! If you are interested in helping develop the new area either by donating some man power or supplies (see the list below) get a hold of me. 503.758.5772 We need: - wood scraps: prefer dense hard wood scraps in any shape/size. We are using these for holds so we need a ton! - deck screws. Get a hold of me for size requirements. - lag bolts: we need a bunch. Get a hold of me for size requirements. - 1" tubular webbing: the more the merrier. Needs to be black, brown, or grey. No bright colors.
  2. I owe you a beer but I do not recall anything about sausage
  3. I think he meant "don't tell anyone we have no clue how hard CAN 5.9 A2 is" I'll buy you a d00d!
  4. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    but not when it hangs out
  5. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    see you at sausagefest
  6. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    With her recent change to anonymity "Kitergal" finally began letting it all hang out.
  7. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    You forgot breathes through his ears...
  8. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    I needed a break... the visual image of jon and angry pirate was too much Who said anything about being a man?
  9. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    By the size of their helmet?
  10. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    Actually it's because they are all midgets. I bet the average height on this page is like 5'7"
  11. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    I'm out man... If I post anymore I'm going to piss my pants laughing!
  12. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    Cleveland Steamer what? Hot Carl? Chili dog? Angry Pirate? Darth Vader?
  13. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    Cleveland Steamer what? Hot Carl? Chili dog?
  14. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    Cleveland Steamer what?
  15. John Frieh

    climbing girls

  16. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    The 3rd leg scares most women, it's a good idea. Ohh Please...I shit bigger than you!! This might explain why boys have been avoiding your "back door" Marie
  17. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    Shan: I hear these two approaches worked wonders
  18. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    Laugh at us. Weep at the thought that this is a large demographic of your dating pool.
  19. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    And ladies... if Michael was successful in his attempt make sure to attend next Thursday and heckle him in person! And Shan (and all you other single climbing turds)... girls that climb will be at this event. Come to get your hopes crushed over and over again
  20. ALLCAPS = bigwalling
  21. Monday/Tuesday looking good Might have to use some sick days
  22. John Frieh

    climbing girls

    Where have you been looking besides here on cc.com? How often do you climb?
  23. Welcome! Try and attend if you can... you can meet a lot of locals and support a good cause! Madrone Slideshow
  24. John Frieh

    climbing girls

  25. If you didn't volunteer to help Jon select them STFU!
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