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Everything posted by faster_than_you

  1. Yes. It serves no functional purpose beyond its engagement of your senses, and look, it has stirred up contemplation and discussion. Interestingly, the artists were quick to point out that it doesn't mean anything, it's just a fun, nifty thing. Abstract pop mega-installation? This website is art. The Nodder is DEFINITELY art. That pumpkin headed lady is art. Everything is art. Now can I have 21 million and be richer_than_you?
  2. Looks like a new umbrella franchise in southern CA. I can see it now, "Just Umbrellas." His wife looks like a freaky pumpkin; put her in a booth and she'd pass for a 3rd rate circus act. He has that "amazed" look; as if something profound is happening when in fact nothing is. These people need some real work. It's art, b/c they say it's art. But art can suck terribly.
  3. It costs aobut 5-15 bucks for each of the orange shower curtains. Mill your own timber (or buy a bunch of 4 by 4's) and you too can have a fabuously ridiculous art show where you charge some people with too much money 21 million dollars. The only limit here is are "how big/bold are you willing go." Not sure that I find this public art very fascinating, but Mr Jeanne Claude is definitely "Richer_than_me."
  4. Too close to the creek...
  5. Oh My God, where's my prodeals?
  6. 4 points for Griz, he's a such a "Sassy" little Nodder.
  7. Oh my god, specialed IS a Nodder. the shortbus,helmet and drool bib for you Oh my god, Griz is a whiny little Nodder Beoytch!
  8. dumbass Sure are Nodder
  9. stfu Sure can Nodder
  10. loser. Sure is Nodder
  11. Oh my god, specialed IS a Nodder.
  12. Wait till the Nodder hears about this.
  13. Ah yes Norway, known for animal sensivity,,, like whaling. Do raindrops feel pain when they hit the ground? Does a dropped biner feel pain? Does the Nodder feel pain?
  14. Can you believe it? You get one point.
  15. If you're a "nobody," it implies there is a somebody on this site? Who the are the "somebodies?"
  16. I agree with Olyclimber. Fairweather, you're far too gnarly to take any crap from these folks. Come back, this board needs you. Who else is going to "school" all the whiners?
  17. What a bunch of Nodders.
  18. Yes, you are faster_than_poo, but some nodder ass beoytch is definitely faster than you. And that nodder took your rope! OMG, you get a point.
  19. That I am faster_than_you. It sure is smokey in here.
  20. Yeah, but you're "specialed."
  21. Sure is Nodder
  22. Are you two training for the first human/parrot ascent of a big wall? He would be tasty if you ran out of food.
  23. You get one point Nodder.
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