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Everything posted by faster_than_you

  1. If you type in "the Nodder", cc.com comes up #1. Never underestimate the power of the Nodder. And now?, cc.com owns the google rights to it! Look out Nodder, we're after you.
  2. Another fine American doing his part to support outsourcing. Intoxicated man inquires about job with state patrol THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ORCHARDS, Wash. -- A man who stopped by Washington State Patrol headquarters to ask about a job didn't get what he wanted - but he did find out how a hand-held alcohol tester works. Robert Gulley, an unemployed radio technician, was ticketed for alleged drunk driving as he drove away from the patrol office in this city near Vancouver. He had asked for a job application. "I guess it was a bad time to go there," Gulley, 25, of nearby Sifton, told The Columbian newspaper. "It was a bad judgment call." When Gulley walked into patrol headquarters Wednesday afternoon, he was slurring his words, had glassy eyes and his breath smelled of alcohol, Trooper Maureen Crandall said. When she told him it wasn't a good idea to apply to be a trooper while intoxicated, Gulley denied drinking, another trooper said. So Trooper Rich Bettger, who'd overheard what was going on, offered to measure Gulley's blood alcohol level with a hand-held breath tester. Gulley blew a 0.095, above the state's legal limit for driving of 0.08, indicating he'd had at least three drinks, March said. Gulley said he had only had one drink - a Long Island iced tea - and that it likely caused a high alcohol reading because he hadn't eaten in more than a day. When the troopers asked Gulley how he got to the station, they said he told them he'd been given a ride. The officers said they warned Gulley not to drive home. But after leaving the office and pacing back and forth on a nearby side street for 10 minutes, Gulley got into his car and drove away, troopers said. He was promptly pulled over and ticketed. Gulley was given two more alcohol-breath tests, which both gave readings of slightly over 0.08, Trooper Garvin March said. The troopers then arranged for Gulley's sister to drive him home. "I actually still want to join the police department," Gulley said. "Those guys are doing their job keeping the roads safe." But state troopers said Gulley's career prospects with the patrol appear dim. "I guarantee he's not going to get a job with us," March said. "We've arrested drunks in unexpected ways and places before, but this one just blew me away."
  3. Agreed, OPEN THE ROADS!
  4. That's right Mr. Hantavirus carrier. It's best that you look elsewhere. This thread is about the NODDER.
  5. Maybe I do Nodder? Maybe I don't don't Nodder? Ewe seem to think you Ewe live in ID? I'm only guessing about the Sheep. I wonder why??
  6. Sure do Nodder. That's pretty funny coming from a guy who lives on a sheep ranch.
  7. Poo, where did you learn to spell? E-WA? The Otter? OMG! The Nodder is watching the Otter, but the Otter is watching You...
  8. Great idea Squid! A special "Nodder Forum" is just what cc.com needs. Girlclimber seems to understand too. Perhaps Cat, Cracked and Lummox are jealous, must they have tear down this important quest? Though I am sensing some angst, I suggest that the search for the Nodder continue. Thank you all for your help in locating the REAL Nodder. Now how many kittens have we killed?
  9. Small world. I was just conversing with someone today about this very issue. He's been hiking the Olympics for over 30 years, and believes there is a serious decline in marmots particularly in the southern Olympics. I'll forward your info to him, he may be interested in talking, but he's not a bioligist. He also mentioned that he brought his concerns up to the NPS, but said they were more concerned about other issues and didn't have $$ to look into it. They must be too busy killing goats. Hey, while looking for marmots, keep your eyes peeled for the Nodder. Thanks
  10. BTW, Dru is my BEST friend. And I've got a Page top NODDER!!!
  11. Poo, there is only 1 Nodder, the GREEN Nodder! Gobble, Gobble, Gobble. Do you have permit for that route? Where is your blue bag? Or is that, a Red bag? I'm the fastest, I have proof!
  12. The Nodder is either afraid, or waiting; poised for revelation. There will be discovery. Hey Top, your quest followed deceptive clues. You have not found the "real" Nodder. Beeyotch! MY Beehhaadd thinks he's everything. What a Swedish ASSHOLE. Gobble Gobble Gobble...
  13. It doesn't matter if you believe or not. I'm still searching. Gobble gobble gobble...
  14. I'm searching for the Nodder this weekend. Anyone wanna help?
  15. Commie poster, please advise me if you see the Nodder. Thank you Comrade.
  16. Commit poster, please advise me if you see the Nodder. Thank you Comrade.
  17. I wonder if the Nodder is posting on the new forum? Can anyone share?
  18. If you have to ask, then you better not try. The route isn't "that" difficult, but the crevasses high on the mountain are dangerous. You'll have fun if you find a partner.
  19. Is the Nodder over here?
  20. The Nodder? "The Nodder is my best friend! I go climbing with the Nodder all the time."
  21. Homme don't nod like that.
  22. Ah Will, I don't ask such hard questions. We liberials don't sweat that shit. Invest my money in third world prison workcamps for all I care . Make sure the workers have no benefits, that stuff cuts into my profits. Squeeze tightly so we hypocrites can get the most out of our corporate death machine investments. I want my social security too BTW. I only vote liberal, b/c it makes me feel better. Now can we get back to shooting and driving SUV's?
  23. Seek and yee shall not find.
  24. But I think we just killed a few more kittens. Oh my god, The Nodder?
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