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Everything posted by faster_than_you

  1. forget spray hijacking, spray is about workplace highjacking, and infesting the minds of chestbeaters and steaksaucers world wide. you have all been infected with HCPLAB, be afraid That's right Pnauder.
  2. That's Pnauder... Silent "P." Nice to see ewe back; how are the sheep Mr. Mouse?
  3. Too bad about the poll Dru, I was looking forward to the results. Are fatuous dialogues kosher on spray? Or maybe we have to bitch about the president, or other nominees, or make outlandish sexual correlations. This "pnauder" expedition reeled in more fish than I would have ever imagined. Who would have thought spray could be so fun. Poor Mrs Alden, she must have had a strokeā€¦ and we never found her dentures. Forget thread hijacking. The Pnauder (aka steaksauce) was hijacking spray. We still need a retard forum.
  4. Yeah, this is just a real problem. The end is near, OMG spray is really outta control! Can we some some "pnauder" and sauce over here?
  5. There's something very "suspect" about this Rooster... Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...
  6. "You likka the Sauce eh??" "I get you more Sauce..."
  7. Chuck, you cleaver little Naw-der. We always have wine with our Sauce. How do you want your sauce? I'm feeling Saucy...
  8. Everything tastes better with steak sauce.
  9. Tube Steak? Rib eye, or T-bone! Hey Dru, did you see over on "rolleyes?" http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=334401&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=all&fpart=&vc=1&PHPSESSID= Klenke and matt were together the other night. OMG, where is the sauce.
  10. Thanks little furry friend. I OTTER GKNOW. And that's MS to you.
  11. Isn't that Spray? If not, let's create one.
  12. I prefer Gnawdder Sauce... But someone (some Gna-dar-ators) want to control my diet. Hum, is that cc.com? Bring on the sauce!!! More steak sauce for everyone... I'm feeling SAUCY tonight...
  13. Did someone loose control? It seems that some nodderators couldn't enjoy the fun, and had to change the rules. No problem, we love sauce too. Are Klenke and Matt defining maturity on this site now? Hum? Maybe Timmy and Jon can give them give them extra sauce? Extra sauce for EVERYONE! We all deserve extra sauce, even the Gnawder, if we ever find her. You know nodderators, that "thread," didn't call anyone agressive names (unless you're a Nah-Der) didn't say anything sexist, racist, or even engage in outlandish arguements. Yes, it was/is silly/stupid. So? has that stopped cc.com before? And for god's sake, we'd have never got this guy... The count totally ROCKS! Nice job Cracked! You're definitely a Gnawder. May the red rocket be with you.
  14. I LOVE STEAK SAUCE! Where's the Saucer???
  15. Hey there Cracked, Now you're getting (giving) the picture! We don't have to make this thread funny, EVERYONE ELSE IS FOR US!
  16. This is the NEW Page top Nodder. What a strange little bird. I wonder what he tastes like?
  17. Sneaky little Otter Bastard. Look at those nasty fangs and teeth. Reminds me of "The Rabbit" off Monty Python's Holy Grail.
  18. It was in the side car! THE SIDE CAR!!
  19. These picutres of possible Nodders/Otters are GREAT. I can tell that you guys want to find the Nodder too. Keep trying and bless you little Nodder Lovers. Hey Otter, I wonder what you think of these stuff mammals?
  20. Check this out Poo, someone is upset about The Nodder. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/333355/page/0/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/fpart/1 My avatar rhymes with sphinx; I decide the relevance of spray airwaves. Do you think he secretly loves the thread? Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...
  21. You miscreants are just keeping me up; I need to do some chanting and guitar strumming. I'm praying for divine insight, I need to find the Nodder. "Still Nodding..." Gobble, gobble gobble. BTW, what does Otter taste like?
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