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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. rolleyes.gif


    5 entries found for genius.

    gen·ius ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jnys)

    n. pl. gen·ius·es


    Extraordinary intellectual and creative power.

    A person of extraordinary intellect and talent: “One is not born a genius, one becomes a genius” (Simone de Beauvoir).

    A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.


    A strong natural talent, aptitude, or inclination: has a genius for choosing the right words.

    One who has such a talent or inclination: a genius at diplomacy.

    The prevailing spirit or distinctive character, as of a place, a person, or an era: the genius of Elizabethan England.

    pl. ge·ni·i (jn-) Roman Mythology. A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place.

    A person who has great influence over another.

    A jinni in Muslim mythology.



    Ballet dance is like climbing. A physical skill. it can be creative but I wouldnt call a skilled dancer a genius any more than I would call Chris Sharma a genius, or my plumber a genius. Maybe I'd call the ballet dancer's choreographer a genius if the dance was really amazingly good.


    We got the message

    I heard it on the airwaves

    The politicians

    Are now DJ's


    The broadcast was spreading

    Station to station

    Like an infection

    Across the nation


    Well you know you can't stop it

    When they start to play

    You gotta get out the way


    The politics of dancing

    The politics of ooo feeling good

    The politics of moving

    Is this message understood


    We're under the pressure

    Yes we're counting on you

    That what you say

    Is what you do


    It's in the papers

    It's on your t.v. news

    The application

    It's just a point of view


    Well you know you can't stop it

    When they start to play

    You gotta get out the way


    The politics of dancing

    The politics of ooo feeling good

    The politics of moving

    Is this message understood


    The politics of dancing

    The politics of ooo feeling good

    The politics of moving

    Is this message understood..



  2. yeah, prime location, no competition, lots of big spenders! Try opening up a full scale climbing wall too. You'll be rich yelrotflmao.gif


    I meant selling out of the back of my car. You need a watch? wazzup.gif


    Bham needs a good climbers gear shop. A climbing wall is another business all together. If there is a decent wall at WWU, you'd be a fool to try to run one there anyway. moon.gif

  3. Just wanted to let you all know - they worked great for a second weekend in a row. No high altitude, only about 5k. Oh yeah... They also leave you with a great set of racoon eyes if you forget the sunblock.
    Ya, but enough about how you felt. How did you look? yelrotflmao.gif
  4. I think they have a place. I'll be accepting rides when I can and think a little more open minded than the suggestion.


    In fact if you want to revert to wildeness ethics you might as well just spray about bolts, snowmobiles, helicopters, roads, motor powered boats, cars, logging and get it over with in one shot for some good spray. I could list one or 2 more but I think we get the idea..


    I completely agree with you. I think that mankind (and womenkind too) really is overstating their own significance in nature. I mean, we are just a tick on the balls of existence. Eventually, we are going to get flicked off, or better yet, blow up in fountain of blood...and nature will purge our shitty little contribution. I say enjoy it all. Extreme snowmobile crevass jumping should be the next Olympic sport. There really isn't any Wilderness left to have ethics about, so that spray is mute. It's all been 'had'. Enjoy it.

  5. All you 'Merkins who don't know where to find it hahaha.gif read on. Especially if it will save you from buying schwag out back of Blunt Bros yet again.


    Save Wreck Beach From Peeping-Tom Frat Boys


    Hey, us Merkins have our own nuddie fests, along with something you ain't got: Freedom Fries and Freedom Dip Sandwiches! I hear tell of some good ole nuddie hijinx in some hotsprings in the Cascade foothills.


    That article was sorta kiddie porn. Really, out of everyone, they focus on a 12 year old girl? Kanuck Kiddie Porn? confused.gif

  6. Sweet. I have a VW van. Anybody up for it? The heater doesn't work, but its got Fahrfrumgruvin. This beyotch has epic Road Trip written all over it... the_finger.gif

  7. John Rosholt is a pro gambler and climbing bum and makes enough $$$ from gambling to support his climbing lifestyle full-time.


    My edumacated guess is that if the guy hadn't had a shitload of money riding on his one go, and especially if he hadn't had a documentary film crew with him, he might not have won. They can control roulette wheels with magnets.... I betcha there was nothing random at all about that win. Cause when a gambling addict sees that film about him winning its gonna be like a nicotine addict reading Cigar Aficionmado, theyre gonna run out and blow a wad and the casinos will make back all their losses.


    Sorta like when J. Lo's mom wins the lottery wave.gif


    No shit. This reads like a Las Vegas advertisement. Schmuck bets it all and wins! And for all you suckas who read 'Us' magazine, Jo Lo's mom won! Come one, come all, you're all going to win! Bet it all! Look at this single sensational story! We have an instant winner! You're appoved! I shat yellow! I shat green! but i digress...


    yes it is all a scam. and there are higher stakes games being orginating from and propogated by the current US government administration. if you don't know about them, you haven't been wearing your tin foil hat. mushsmile.gif

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