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Posts posted by olyclimber


    I don't trust Clark, he probably is a liar...but I don't have any proof.

    GW isn't a liar, he is just an idiot and a pawn who is so dumb he actually believes the shit he spouts. So it doesn't count as a lie, even though the stuff he says is BS. hahaha.gif

  2. What're you gonna do? Move your family to the boonies and live off the land? Maybe gather a few other families and start a different society?


    Good idea. We can start a cc.com commune up in Alaska. We drink koolaide and have arguments about bolting whilst harvesting our crops. rockband.gif

  3. trask said:

    one word - cat


    I had an apartment on Queene Anne Hill (seattle), and the cat was the reason that we had rats in there once in a while. The cat would drag a half dead rat into the house, and eventually it would come to and start running all over the place. wave.gif

  4. It's about having a social interaction with someone who pushes you higher then you were....an not about looking at porn in some mag. You can fantasize about climbing all day, but you only get better by doing it. If it takes someone else or it comes from within, climbing porn only puts you in a frame of mind....it doesn't improve your climbing ablility. rockband.gif

  5. I took my son to this place over in West Seattle (south end of California Ave.) and they have this tractor that he could ride. They specialized in cutting kids hair, and I was surpised that they had no problems with his first haircut. He's two years, and doesn't sit still for anything it seems... cantfocus.gif

  6. Off_White,

    The measure of posts since you left for work as "large" is only your own subjective experience. Philosophy was covered in the thread 20 posts or so ago, and semantics is scheduled yet. We are now on boyish name calling. Please get it together, Stinkypants!


    Anyway, on the on same lines of bolting and not bolting....

    Can you use the same argument (bolting makes climbing falsely easier, and lowers standards of climbing) on trails?

    Should we get rid of all trails because they making traveling in the Parks and Wilderness areas easier,more accessible, and just gumming up these areas with newbies who have no business being there? Huh? Huh? Answer! yellaf.gif


    Off_White said:

    more than 225 new posts since I left for work this morning? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Sorry, I just had to get that out. Is it time to move this monster to Spray? Will this surpass Muir on Saturday? Is this like what happens when it's raining like hell and you're on the freeway doing about 70 right behind some huge semi? Power Spray?

  7. So....is this a statement about ethics? yelrotflmao.gif


    Stefan said:

    This earth is big enough for everyone.


    Some people who do not like bolting do something about it--they chop bolts and they have the freedom to do so.


    Some people who like to bolt do something about it--they bolt and they have the freedom to do so.


    Some people do not do anything and just write. They just rant on this website about ethics.

  8. Let's get down to brass tacks here. The notion of the 'self' and the 'other' are subjective experiences. Your phenomenology are essentially a study of emotions. Ethical contructs, while real to the 'self', are emotional by nature and attached to the 'other' in the course of your phenomenlogical experience . Therefore, right and wrong both exist and do not exist, because each of us carry around our own contructs of reality. This is because your 'other' is not the 'self' of the entities that may make up the psyche of your 'other', which may or may not even exist. yelrotflmao.gif


    On the other hand, the notion of 'spray' is in fact real, and is not a shadow in the cave. wave.gif

  9. macleft.jpg



    I know nobody wants to talk about a solution. It's more fun to talk about the problem...and to pretend like the world's going to suddenly change to support your ideal. Let's face, man has been raping the land some time...bolts are pretty small in the grand scheme (especially the ones that are colored the same as the rocks). Whether you like "sport" climbing or not, the bolts aren't going away. The solution is to get support for officially deginating areas as 'bolt' or 'no bolt'. Who is going to step up and expend the huge amount of energy to get something like this in place? confused.gif

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