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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Or it would have escalated to water balloon fight or a full on crack the hydrants hydrofest.
  2. or a knee jerked
  3. compare assessed value to taxed value in Seattle I couldn't imagine how much you would bitch if they taxed at market value
  4. Here is a novel idea that I just came up with. I'm sure no one has ever thought of it before. Thats because I'm a genius. Gear Swap: If you have some gear to trade or sell, bring it to the Ropeup. I know, I know...revolutionary. An idea before its time.
  5. I think he is referring to roads...which is one of the big dealios when it comes to eminent domain.
  6. olyclimber

    Weekend Thread

    Notice the poise and confidence. I could easily belay at 2 grades higher.
  7. olyclimber

    Weekend Thread

    I believe this was the first gaitorless belay of this particular hardman problem. The helmet is to keep my sponsors happy.
  8. olyclimber

    Weekend Thread

    Here is a much sought after pic of me belaying an Icicle test piece. It took me like 15 minutes to belay the whole route. I hope you enjoy this photo.
  9. olyclimber

    Weekend Thread

    I went belaying.
  10. We had a great time at Kids Ropeup this year. Snowbyrd, Bug, Billygoat, Uncle Alpinfox, and Olyclimber were there..and some other people. The highlight of the weekend was probably the almighty spitball. Straws were coupled with berries found in the woods to make semi-lethal weapons. I felt the sting a number of times before there was a weapons ban for the immediate camping area. The children ran around in a pack, re-enacting scenes from Lord of the Flies. We even managed to go climbing both days up in the Icicle. Saturday night while the children were "wilding" all over the campground, the adults cooked up many, many bratwursts and consumed a fair amount of ale. It was excellent to meet some people. On Sunday someone found a Praying Mantis. I'm not sure if this was a sign or not. Praying Mantis, after mating, tear their mates head off. Good times. Ulysses climbing: Climbing: Billygoat: No camera tilt: Mmmmmmmm: Just sick: Picture that summed up the ropeup: Ulee at one in the morning: Climbing on Sunday: A great day in the Icicle: Praying Mantis: Link to full sized pictures in the gallery.
  11. Cool...which direction did you traverse? That would definitely make is memorable (Helens blowing it's top)
  12. Seattle, the city of the future
  13. Then no wonder they are so cheap. They haven't aged enough yet.
  14. thanks for that memory.
  15. After my latest gearwhore spendathon, the guilt has built up and I need to get rid of a few things I have 5 or 6 duplicates of. I'm not interested in shipping anything, so it is pickup only. I have a Acryteryx RT 25 Pack - black in color fine back, but I don't use it and have another pack in my quiver in that size range. Make me an offer ...SOLD I have a Petzl Duo headlamp for sale. It works great, but I got me a MYO5 now. You can get an LED upgrade kit for this thing. $20. I may sell my BD Shrike set (actually I have two hammers and and adze) or a may not. Can't decide right this second. I'll add stuff to this post as I remember what other stuff I packratted away.
  16. triple w00t
  17. sounds risky.
  18. olyclimber


    It was actually a social commentary on WCW and his work. Reread it.
  19. like all the info that was gathered and used for the betterment of science with the Nazi human experiments....
  20. Darn...I thought this was going to be an itemized list of your lipstick and mascara bill.
  21. olyclimber


    Here is an example:
  22. olyclimber


    I just deleted 50 pulitzer prize winning unpublished poems
  23. olyclimber


    there is a thin line between love and hate
  24. Thanks...just sent him a PM.
  25. that will help the underpriviledged people.
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