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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    Truck ads...

    check it out, you saddle them up:
  2. olyclimber

    Truck ads...

    glad you've been keeping track Commander. actually, its more like a geoduck.
  3. olyclimber

    Truck ads...

    are these items available for trade?
  4. olyclimber


    funny, I live at home too. what a co-inky dink.
  5. olyclimber


    pirates using sonic canons are linked to global warming. and apparently Kevin Bacon's cousin (whom he used to date) is a pirate.
  6. olyclimber


    Studies indicate evil doings are down .00743%. However another study funded by the Defense industry indicate that evil doing could reach dramatic new levels if we don't build more weapons soon.
  7. olyclimber


    well, at least we're winning the battle against evil doers.
  8. olyclimber


    As long as this credit card still works, I can keep on buying climbing gear. My son can pay the bills. My government taught be how. I like that new offer on a credit card offer I saw on TV yesterday...as long as you use the card to make a purchase, you don't have to make a payment! That and interest only mortgages = recipe for disaster. With the new difficulties in declaring bankruptcy engineered by the credit card companies , coupled with insidious marketing that basically starts when you are in the womb, the American way is looking better than ever. And we can't even count on tin foil hats these days.
  9. Those are Sir Reardon's words, though he was referring to the opportunity to exhibit his backside to movies viewers across the world. And as if anyone of us would reject such an opportunity! And what about the leaving of the panties? All his climbing is a jackass stunt, thats why we all admire him...even you haters...you wish you could sport that hair, climb like that, and talk that smack.
  10. I'm my own grandpa.
  11. olyclimber


    Peter, what has gotten into you? the actual data, not a link? I'm so proud. And "Amen" to Mr. Armeys statement! Except for instead of "tax and spend a " its "don't tax and spend anyway"...a incredible new breed of irresponsiblity.
  12. We all know the story about Clark Gable not wearing an undershirt and the next day the undershirt factories of America had to shut down. The thing nobody seems to remember is what everybody wore in America long before that, and long after. And what happened to this country when they stopped wearing that one thing. I remember. What they wore was this cap. Authors and inventors and fliers and steel magnates and journalists and suffragettes and ambulance drivers and private detectives and nightclub bouncers and newsboys and movie directors and handsome thugs wore it. Your grandfather wore it. Gable himself wore it. Immigrants wore it. It was what America wore. What happened? The trouble started. That’s what happened. Do your part. It’s time. Wear one. (It makes anyone who wears one look tall; if you’re already tall, too bad. You’re going to look even taller. It also makes you look young and snappy as well. So get ready for that, too.) The Handsome Thug Cap (No. 1265). Classic 6 panels, covered button on top. Bill snaps to top of cap. Handwoven Irish wool, soft and tweedy. Colors: Brown herringbone or Charcoal donegal, enriched with flecks of red, ocher, and cream. Men’s sizes: S, M, L, XL. Price: $88.
  13. Especially if its your cousin.
  14. The Sammy Hagar haircut will be back. Reardon is just ahead of his times. Check out the adrenaline soaked world of free soloing in Return2Sender: “It’s like being in a giant, eightfoot egg shell,” Reardon said. “It’s a way to zone out the rest of the world. If you worry about what’s outside that egg, though, that’s when you’re in trouble.” So its eggs, not balls, that allow him to do this. Pretty amazing...and Romantic Warrior looks like a beautiful climb.
  15. Ya, but I think they are from OR, not WA...so not off the hook yet.
  16. thats what happens when you make out before you're married.
  17. FYI, they're going to stop making vanilla coke at the end of the year. but you'll still be able the buy the Safeway vanilla coke, if you can live with that.
  18. Napoleon Complex
  19. w00t! KILL ICE!!!
  20. olyclimber


    The Big Baller!
  21. no, you're the jackass. he just does jackass stunts. here is a new icon especially for you wigballer:
  22. His latest jackass stunt has really raised the bar. Just goes to proof what badass climbers those Califorianians are. He's my hero.
  23. I feel the need - the need for speed!
  24. except this one is in the books. Delay is still trying to snake his way out of his mess.
  25. Cunningham also would lose his chairmanship of the House Intelligence subcommittee on terrorism and human intelligence
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