Here in the Seattle city limits you can have chicken, but sadly no roosters. Cock-a-doodle-doo!
And they may be allowing people to have a goat? I may need to get one of those.
tearing the head off is a little bizarre...but it seems more like killing some animal that didn't belong to you should be the charge. back on the farm we killed chickens by cutting their head off with an axe all the time, that is standard practice.
Have any other pictures of the Colchuck glacier? I haven't seen it this late in the year/in that state before. (not that i'm headed up there anytime soon with my broken leg, just wondering how far that thing retreats and how steep it is)
Without a doubt, we are very lucky to have you guys putting out such a high quality journal, and free at that!
Thanks to everyone involved in putting this out.
give them a little time, it isn't like you can turn out that kind of quality by rushing things...