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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Does he have a restraining order against you yet?
  2. I have called nothing. Your vote (regardless of your reading comprehension ) still counts down there in Orygun, so get it done and elect the best man/woman to save the nation/world/universe.
  3. People will never elect a Scientologist.
  4. http://www.xkcd.com/386/
  5. peter, apparently you've been so obsessed with your "war against hope" that you missed the news that Niehaus is headed to the HOF!
  6. olyclimber


    actually he is farting.
  7. olyclimber


    What about Deniro? 44do49DDZ8U
  8. its wishful thinking. it does not look good for Hillary...i wouldn't count her out, but the odds are not good for her. i'm just wondering if McCain is going to be able to pull it off. Huckabee is mathematically eliminated yet he is still pulling in a large voting block!
  9. well who ever wins it inherits a flaming bag of shit. i don't envy any of them. hopefully we all will be able to spray on and spend more time thinking about climbing (and other recreation pursuits) rather than where we will get our next meal. how is that for gloom and doom.
  10. well if its on the internet, its a matter of public record. its being archived away http://www.archive.org/web/web.php I'm just glad I don't post with my real name. No one will ever suspect that "porter" is really Darryl Cramer.
  11. I believe that is exactly what is going to happen. I expect to be cowering in fear before the year is out, but blessing the domestic surveillance program and the umbrella of the military industrial complex (outsourced to China). Those conspiracy theorists in the crowd might even speculate that strategically planned events will help you realize that fear!
  12. I don't have time and I'm too busy with my pompoms to listen to your negativity. I would be interested to hear who you are voting for and what makes them "substantial" though. I've been waiting for people to start trying to tear apart Obama but there is either one of two strategies at work: a.) they haven't figured out how and the above is the best they can do. b.) they are just waiting till he beats hillary to unleash the beast. either way his message has been refreshingly positive compared to the negative campaigns run in years past. if you don't admire him for that I feel sorry for you. Here is a great example of the "style over substance" : Bob the Builder - Champion of Neverending Optimism jjXyqcx-mYY vs. Sad Sack More War 3gwqEneBKUs i read about Obama plans he is always saying the right things to me, he seems reasoned and rational. Compare that with what we have today. I think you're "misunderestimating" Obama, but I could be wrong.
  13. peter, do you really want me to drum up all the idiots supporting Hillary and McCain? i don't know that obama will lose to the maverick that suddenly isn't really a maverick anymore, but I guess we'll see in due time.
  14. olyclimber


    brutal! http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1802919
  15. at this point i'm projecting obama and mccain to win in wisconsin based on numbers i pulled out of my ass.
  16. olyclimber


    this video made the rounds a long time ago on most boards, and the comments made on this board about this matter really are lacking.
  17. nanny state aka communism
  18. also, don't forget to vote WA staters! for the Demo's ITS REALLY IMPORTANT! Be sure to obey the law if you vote in the Republican primary. This is a chance for Huckabee to show the Repub. caucus was rigged!
  19. place your bets here
  20. I am glad that you agree that: 1)Both parties are guilty of using gerrymandering to suit their own purposes. 2)There is no credible evidence to suggest that electronic voting have been rigged to distort the vote count in any recent presidential election. regarding #2, whatever the "evidence" is, why not not get rid of electronic voting till it can be made transparent and opensource? until it is so i will always distrust the results (except of course when they are in my favor )
  21. olyclimber


    i'm sure. you were probably just at the SAM.
  22. thank you for this important document gary
  23. olyclimber


    hello. how can i meet girl such as this? she seems like nice girl.
  24. a small matter regarding your membership in our organization. once a member, you may never leave.
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