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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. i knew there was a reason for my excessive sialorrhea
  2. the lord moves in mysterious ways. sort of like gitmo. who would have though he had that in him/her/it?
  3. [video:youtube]8GGL0qGk5lA
  4. [video:youtube]fwiXG0p3N6g
  5. olyclimber

    Hammer Time

    that is not HD quality video! or perhaps it was supposed to be Hammer Dance quality.
  6. Right Jay...just thought you were going to try to settle down in a home in the Seattle area. Agree about the personal decision vs. speculating on what the market will do next.
  7. up is the new down
  8. [video:youtube]OQufxG1GcAk
  9. not that i have any idea what i'm talking about
  10. that we were near a top and that the prices at the top were unsustainable wasn't a tough call in my book. calling where the bottom is...well that will be much tougher with credit as it is today.
  11. so jay, are you investing? or do you think there will be a fire sale next year?
  12. I have my SPOT on me right now. its the new "i've fallen and i can't get up"
  13. the impetus ( here you go kev ) behind this thread was my asking Kev to stop declaring in a given thread when a post outside of spray met whatever his criteria is for spray. i asked him to leave that decision to the moderators. the reason being is that just by making this declaration he was redirecting the conversation to a kevbone induced shitstorm, and his observation had nothing to do with the topic at hand. sometimes spray does happen outside of spray, but it is not up to kev to make the call when it is or not.
  14. [video:youtube]IXdNnw99-Ic
  15. olyclimber

    thanks W

    Remindsme of some who post here
  16. olyclimber

    thanks W

    remember "george" magazine? too bad that died.
  17. they are over rated anyway.
  18. olyclimber

    thanks W

    i would have missed this till the next time to the next supermarket checkout line. thanks.
  19. yes. we will give you a dollar, as long as the pictures are sharp and the English in the TR (yes, English, not any other language) must be as per the MLA formatting and style guide.
  20. where are you located?
  21. no. but lets hear about your Beacon attempts!
  22. but i do thank you for the "tasteful" photos of your wife. don't worry, they are secured on my harddrive with AES 256.
  23. now that is the funniest thing i've heard all day.
  24. also print some t-shirts
  25. you're clearly not cut out to be a sponsored climber Kev. everyone knows that they are all lying cheats. you need to work on your lying skills.
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