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tanstaafl last won the day on August 7 2024

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About tanstaafl

  • Birthday 01/01/1928

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  1. sent you a PM
  2. I believe these are the version known as the "Prime." I used these for ice climbing, an activity to which it seems unlikely that I will return. Size 42.5 $75.
  3. $15 each; let me know if interested. Signed by author SOLD
  4. Cleaning out the gear room; free for pickup in Greenwood or I'm in downtown Bellevue a couple of times a month for work. MEC windshirt; used but has life left in it -- size unreadable now, I'm 5'9" and 135 ish and it's pretty roomy on me.
  5. Nice, Otto. In that first pic it reminds me of a bird with its beak pointing to the sky. There are even marks on the stone for an eye and the suggestion of a folded wing.
  6. wow that is purty. After getting my ass handed to me in the Chehalis this past weekend I am dreaming of climbing that involves more actual climbing and less walking/slogging/schwacking/hauling yourself hand-over-hand up tree branches.
  7. My partner at one point observed, "I think this is our first trip where our combined age exceeds 100." hah. Which sadly means we haven't climbed together since before the pandemic, when we we already damn close. I try to keep in mind those wise words of Dave Whitelaw: "Every day is a gift."
  8. Oh Lord no, it took us 12 hours bivy to bivy just to do the two Nesakwatch spires and the NW Face of Rexford, not that we were rushing. If I was ever that fast I'm not anymore. We were talking en route about how badass Kobus and John and Emily were back in the day to do all that as an FA.
  9. Trip: Nesakwatch Spires - Ensawkwatch Enchainment Trip Date: 07/27/2024 Trip Report: Posting this mostly just to say that if you wanna get after this, there are still snow patches in the basin for water, and as of last weekend the bugs were not even remotely bad. Driving past the parking spot for Slesse now highly inadvisable. We went a bit further and managed to retreat without getting a flat tire, but we were lucky rather than smart in that regard. North Ridge of South Nesakwatch Spire from summit of north spire: Edited to add: Also, the pocket glacier has not slid yet. Gear Notes: Light rack to modern (grey) #4 Camalot, tricams handy Approach Notes: Steep but such a nice well-trodden trail!
  10. Particularly impressive prediction given that Mo and Emilio were probably like 12 years old when you made it!
  11. Oh you and Rolf, whatever, you purists! I like the BETA OVERLOAD because I got sick and tired of coming home having accomplished nothing except beating myself to a pulp. (Hence the "Hey, got a GPS point for that creek crossing?" emails -- thanks, by the way!)
  12. That is a stellar slogan for the catfood (though I can't help but feel that eating like Fred Becky *must* include many tiny packets of ketchup). Maybe I should get a dehydrator and start experimenting. I recently discovered that freeze dried meals have improved drastically since the 90s, but damn they are expensive (and usually at least a third more than I can eat anyway).
  13. I find it hilarious and humbling that you consider yourself to be "well rested" after that alpine wedding trip! Also, I am so intrigued by Chad's Backcountry Catfood: is this a proprietary thing or are you willing to share what's in it?
  14. Finding my way from the upper Mustard area to the ridge leading to Frenzel camp was surprisingly complex. I feel like you could sub in any two place names in the above statement and it would describe every Pickets experience I've ever had! Glad we could be of assistance in your exit; and thanks for the stellar write up and photos; I'm always impressed by how much detail you all remember and put into these reports. Before we even got back to Big Beaver I was already asking Gordy, "How long did it take us to get from Luna camp to Luna col again?"
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