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Everything posted by Hal_Burton

  1. Oh God no Bill! Sorry we didn't leave you more death-cicles on the last pitch. Those made it more interesting.
  2. Charlet Moser Axar. Used maybe 10 days. $100, shipped.
  3. Aw C'mon! I had a clean shot!
  4. Isn't GoogleEarth amazing? Nice job fellas!
  5. That sounds goo....oh, wait a minute. This just in... Thursday night: Mostly clear. Free air freezing level 12000 feet. Friday: Mostly sunny. Free air freezing level 12000 feet. Friday night: Mostly clear. Free air freezing level 12000 feet. Saturday: Mostly sunny. Free air freezing level 12000 feet. Saturday night: Mostly clear. Free air freezing level 12000 feet. Sunday: Mostly sunny. Free air freezing level 12000 feet. Dammit. Be ready when those temps fall again, tho.
  6. How does it look up to the col from the north now?
  7. Climb: Hoodie-Wy'east Date of Climb: 6/30/2005 Trip Report: Trying to repent for my corn-walking-down ways I took a ride down Wy'east. Headed up the dog slog one more time and, with tail tucked firmly between legs, downclimbed the ridge to the top of the main face. Previous days had been very warm so I figured set-up snow was thin and would break through with too much softening. Launched a little early, 0730, but below 10,000' was perfect. Skiied down to 9000' then hiked around and down into White River. Skied out the glacier and back to the Palmer. The exit was sketch due to extremely soft conditions around the cracks on the west moraine. Lots of probing. I'd reccomend heading down lower on WRG and finding a climb out with fewer holes in it. First downclimbing section on the ridge. Looking across next traverse from same spot as above. The last downclimbing part links the snow patches from the snow slope center right down and left. Upper part of face. Lower Wy'east Whole deal. Skied upper right till below rocks and into the runnels, then traversed left and headed down pristine corn.
  8. I was hoping I had them too. It must be a sin to lay a ski-less boot upon some of the corn I was walking down. As for Chriznitch: The ammo box is there, but the note book he put in there last year is gone. If anyone with an interest in summit regs is heading up North Sis, you might consider carrying up a new Rite-in-the-Rain.
  9. Climb: Three Sisters-Four Day Traverse Date of Climb: 6/13/2005 Trip Report: Just because all the cool kids are in the Sisters. Here's some some snaps for all you conditions hounds... South Middle and North Middle Broken, South and Bachy North Topping out the Bowling Alley Bowling Alley exit Looking down across the SW face of North
  10. Currently should read "The postholing-to-the-knee-thru-breakable-crust descent is the South Side route." I suspect going up WCR would be about about the same right now. Need more melt/freeze for all the accumulation from April.
  11. ...that it made the BBC! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/pi...ging/html/5.stm And to think we might be in worse shape this year.
  12. Thanks for the tips A, AD & D I believe this is what dru is speaking of.. http://www.live-the-vision.com/boardfiles/0411/8141.html Might get to try one of these options this weekend.
  13. Just curious how you come out of THOS. We just rapped/downclimbed the route. Is there some way of returning to the valley from that big upper bowl of THOS?
  14. Lower Yocum today. If you ain't there this weekend.....you're nowhere!
  15. Heres a view of Rooster Rock this morning. You might check over there for some runnels or something.
  16. Using a Princeton Tec Aurora (what Pretzl copied several features off of for the Tikka+) I could get my Barryvox to pick up some noise, but only when holding the headlamp directly against the B'vox. The B'vox never registered the signal as a "victim", and the noise didn't seem likely to be audibly mistaken for a transceiver. Unless your headlamp is on blink mode on the wrist of the hand your beacon is in while you're searching, it doesn't seem to warrant much concern.
  17. I've had some good times with these guys. Portland Hump Hash Amazing how motivating R.W.I. is. They'll often find some great trails that you never knew existed.
  18. Looks like it'll be a little more work than just acquiring a Norwegian ski brigade snow camo uniform. Marblemount and Cougar sno parks are closed for the season. http://www.parks.wa.gov/winter/parks/motorparks.asp?Park=27
  19. Aquaseal, Seam Grip and the like are great for easy sewing-free fixes on waterproof gear. But how many times have you pulled out your trusty tube only to find it hardened thru, or had to poke a hole in the tube to get to the liquid part? Somehow I got the idea to put my tube in the freezer. That was about a year ago. I used it today and it showed no signs of hardening or drying out. I used it way back then, closed the lid, put it in a ziplock and put in the icebox. It took a minute to warm up to flow right, but it worked fine. Hope someone finds this useful.
  20. Probably the cheapest place in Govy, if you don't have a friend's cabin. http://mazamas.org/lodge/index.php
  21. Yah, if you're nice I'll tell you where the "hot spot" is!
  22. Was that Justin who,um, "came down quickly" from about the shrund to the Devil's Kitchen area?
  23. You stay out of this bc. BTW, you playing at the Rat over the next few nights?
  24. We might be taking a tip from our cuzin's in the Ill-annoy, The detail is priceless, Found this cautionary tale in a friend's high school science classoom. Let us not sink to this level. C'mon snow!
  25. Dunno if these work, but I've got a couple #'s: ph) 510-797-7980 fx) 510-797-3214 Let me know if they do.
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