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Everything posted by crusty_climber

  1. I was scared. Very scared. But the descent was not LAME. It was refreshing! The steps were already there by an uknown party. Here's my photos
  2. If you're looking for more than a short climb on your trip and doing Prusik Peak I recommend climbing along Temple Ridge as far as you think you can traverse. There are numerous easy bail points on the south side of the ridge. The routes mostly go up to 5.8. and require a rack to 2 inches or so.
  3. What a bunch of dick pullers you all are. Fejas Smejas what a loser. I poo on you. That's my rhyme of the day. I'll bitch slap you next if'n ya get outta line. Just ask chucK.
  4. This year. I saw some of the topos that came a few weeks ago back from the artists and now I can understand why it takes so long to produce a book or even an update. Maybe this fall.
  5. Along the lake on some dusty pullout... Otherwise the campground at the bottom of the hill.
  6. Anyone who buys a Seattle Sombrero deserves worse than that. No shit.
  7. I know man more people should be carrying bivy gear on Outer Space these days.
  8. Did anyone find this comment witty, funny, amusing or comical? I sure didn't. Well I guess we all have our own sense of humor. I guess we don't have to wait for any or your material then.
  9. It's a portait of the spawn of Ron Jeremy, Savannah and John Holmes.
  10. My material
  11. Let's see her material then we'll judge.
  12. Is that where model worker is now?
  13. it suprises me that growing pin scars don't bother you. Maybe thats just cause tough mountaineers use pitons, so they must be ok. I never said that. You said that. You can explain your ethics discussion but facts are what they are. I'm still laughing at you.
  14. What can I say. The man wants to spew forth his ethics and it stinks in here. We love you too.
  15. Yes the helicopter pilots are volunteers. And everybody volunteered to buy all the fuel put in there too. It was necessary. It was so grueling a group of rescue people walked all the way up the mountain to hold your hand on the way down. Erik you dont see anything correlating because you're too busy trying to kiss your buddy and watch his back instead of facing the facts. There was no second guessing it was first guess the first time I heard about it and when it was mentioned the "rescuers" walked up and down the mountain to get him.
  16. No shit. And the costs behind the rescue is all free. Nobody pays for it right erik I bet them pins were a lot cheaper than them chopper rides.
  17. Yeah having people join your epic and rescue you off a mountian doesnt make an impact. All those people appear out of nowhere like a wish.
  18. Cry ethics all you want lambone. We can all see your discussion is full of shit and that you think it's ok to bolt cracks, and get rescued off a mountain (requiring others to join your epic) when you could have walked off. But now it's bad they nailed a couple of measly pins? Who's made the bigger impact here?
  19. 1. You are a liar for the sake of argument. 2. That wasn't what happened, you weren't there so don't pretend you know what you are talking about. 4. Two pins were placed 5. I don't think I have ever aid climbed when it's not raining, I'm not made of sugar, I won't melt, and btw we spent the night up there for fun If you are so inclined to continue the conversation, which it seems you are, why don't you call me at work, so at least you can talk about it with the person that was there rather that making up a bunch of horseshit, of do you have the balls to... Geoff My work 425.402.6237 He's into bullshit like that. He's accused my friend of stealing ice screws for instance. When you call him on it he does his best way to wiggle out of it. The way he posts some of his stuff you would guess he was there on belay above them.
  20. I wish we had some photos of Perry smashing metal into granite at the U Wall
  21. Awesome. Sounds like they got to the burger joint unassisted. What about your stint? Did you just get tired of the wind?
  22. The topic was - they rescued themselves and you couldn't. Tell us how it was. Was it something like that beach raid on Apocalypse Now when all the choppers came in?
  23. Way to talk shit about instrucing
  24. Hopefully Fred is bolting more cracks now. That way all I have to carry is quick draws.
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