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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe


    FYI, she is a self-made woman, none of the rest of her family is wealthy. Her sister lives in Chicago.
  2. I am so confused by coffee cuz sometimes it makes me sleepy WTF is up with that?
  3. EWolfe


    I finally found my true love when I was 40 and convinced I was going to be single all my life - we have been happily married for two years. I consider myself very fortunate, because I did wait for my soul-mate, and she is beautiful, wealthy, climbs 5.10, smart and strong, as well as being an amazing balance between woman and little girl. Sher is 37 and doesn't look a day over 30. It is a lot more work than anything I have ever done in my life. Giving up independence for a partnership is a life challenge, IMHO.
  4. passed him a while ago. A fine quest, Arthur (Oh, wait, Sphinx is Patsy! )
  5. I only work 4 days a week and almost always have Mondays off! Mondays now
  6. EWolfe

    Bad Accident

    I been searchin the RCMP sites, Vancouver Sun, etc. with no luck - if anyone has any info on the results, please PM me. Thanks, Namaste, Erik
  7. You know it. Maybe even tonight! At least I get a tan and a workout, Nerd
  8. That's the least of your worries - I was climbing there once when a beer bottle shattered above me, sending shards over me and my partner. Another time, I thought a jumper was going off above me and I took a whipper. Turns out it was a paraglider, but scared the shit out of me. Too much time in "Anal-Clitoris" (as a rude friend calls Anacortes )
  9. So Long! And Thanks For All The Fish!
  10. Anyone who would drive one of these: is a fucking idiot, in my book. But they may have driven one of these: back in the '80's - and old habits die hard
  11. I am going to agree that Sphincter is a fuckhead, but only because he is probably going to pass me in post #'s tomorrow while I carpenter away - far from a computer.
  12. If you are sleeping in your vehicle, you don't need to go that far out Icicle Creek. If you look closely at the sign about 8 or 9 miles out on the left (there is an island of rock) it says something like "No Tent Camping" or "RV Camping Only". I have stayed there many times, and have never been troubled - even seen Larry drive by and
  13. EWolfe

    Bad Accident

    Bill, I can appreciate how this brings up memories, and maybe posting this in the first place was inviting that type of response. However, there was an immediacy to this that seemed beyond historical anecdotes - just trying to deal with some wierdness NOW . Everyone else: thanks for the PM's and good thoughts
  14. Any news on how Skaha has been effected, if at all? I know intense heat can exfoliate the rock, removing old holds (but replacing them with new ones?). Too bad about the Kelowna area - hope folks get some relief soon. Sorry about the title to this thread, I was attempting to be humorous about having Squamish to myself...
  15. Hey! Your contract with AmazingCo Inc. specifically states that you are not to release any of your publicity photos until September 1! You think you can get away with this little underhanded self-promotional media blitz, buddy? Well, you best think again if you want to keep working for AmazingCo Inc.!
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