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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. How about trades! We'll give you Gary Yngve, you give us...hmmm...Mer!
  2. EWolfe

    Thai Food

    Because you have been eating hotdogs and cheeseburgers too much?
  3. Who wants to go to that bastion of conservatism now, anyway!
  4. EWolfe

    working late blows!

    I just took a salaried position as a project manager for a medium-sized construction company in Bellingham. Guess I'll be doing more than the straight 8 now.... Goodbye independent , helloo bennies and regular paycheck .
  5. I'll buy you a beer if you just fucking SHUT UP!
  6. Speaking of Bitches, haven't heard much from Griz lately.
  7. Looks like the Liberals might be out.
  8. EWolfe

    working late blows!

    Aren't you just full of peasant conversation.
  9. EWolfe

    climbing girls

    How do you know my dreams like that!?!? Spooky!
  10. EWolfe

    climbing girls

    Hot or Not? The judging seems to be not so girl-friendly, if I may point out the obvious.
  11. JZ holds while Trask fucks. Fun for all!
  12. I called it! I'll say it again: We'll crush in 2 weeks. The 'Hawks are unstoppable now.
  13. EWolfe

    climbing girls

    only cause you always have a couple OZs of the chron nope. Shocks, banana seat...LUCKY!!! Ever take it off any sweet jumps?
  14. EWolfe

    climbing girls

    I bet you get it by Valentines day.
  15. On one of the KISM ads, I swear I hear Mike at the end saying: " Kin you play some Jerney?
  16. LMAO This is the quality that keeps me coming back. I have the Golite, microzoid, FF down bag and jacket. Set for a week, on or off the wall. Very warm and light. Big ziplocs for waterproofing!
  17. EWolfe

    climbing girls

    Have you started the estrogen pills yet?
  18. The brands haven't even healed yet!
  19. EWolfe

    New climber

    Did you do a lot of drugs backin the hippy days?
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