Reading today's Oregonian article, I found it interesting that it referred to "whiteout" conditions and that it was snowing. Well, as everyone knows who was up there, weather did come in about 1:30 and the upper part of the mountain got socked in, but it sure as hell wasn't snowing. In fact, as I was going up the hogsback about that time, (yes, I know, late on a warmish day ), it felt like it got warmer with the cloud layer (thermal entrapment ). Halfway down the hogsback at roughly 2pm looked like this, we affectionately call this "skiing by braille":
And, no, this photo has not been photoshopped...but I think some clarification on terminology would be good here on "whiteout" which I always associate with snow and "socked in" which I just associate with fog or low cloud cover.
Great job PMR.