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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    Blue Angels

    Fortunately, you have no spawn of your own. Good news any way you look at it. can your mom still pawn? maybe she should try again, since this one turned out to be an intellectual dud. because we all know the intellectual requirements of pawning. now it's obvious you have never spend any time in the SE of the good old usa...
  2. glassgowkiss

    lights out

    and i recommend you drink it after. now piss off youth and don't interrupt.
  3. glassgowkiss

    Blue Angels

    Fortunately, you have no spawn of your own. Good news any way you look at it. can your mom still pawn? maybe she should try again, since this one turned out to be an intellectual dud.
  4. that's right. i am first one to admit, that the standards even in wa state are waaay too low. BC requires 3000 hours. radio and tv stations advertise cars- somehow i don't think you are walking everywhere? and contrary to your sorry beliefs massage therapy is a recognized, and licensed medical profession, including europe.oh, strangely enough so called medical professionals frequently schedule appointments with me when they have an injury. subject, judged by the number of your post, most likely you are not really familiar with.
  5. ...so, you massage other guys for a living? I didn't realize we were issuing L-1 visas for that particular, um, eh, er, "skill". that explains your mom being here- right? besides most likely your homophobic attitude stems from the massage your uncle bubba gave you in a tooshed at the age of 5? that would also explain the state of your intellectual development. and mr bigmouth- i would recommend to talk shit about immigrants fri night in "Harnas" on Milwaukee Av in chicago. i'll give you whole 5 seconds on your feet before you hit the floor. till you do that i would remind your sorry ass T-A=0 (zero is what your person represents anyway)
  6. glassgowkiss

    lights out

    i recommend "Harnas" on Milwaukee Av fri night. i'll give immigration shittalkers like assintake, canyonswiller and fw whole 30 seconds on their feet.
  7. 500k, i think you have mistaken the number with the number of bad drivers.
  8. oh i am sure greta is on the way. with her (i think it's a guy anyhow) knowledge of the craft you'll find what you need. btw, i don't even live in seattle. btw, i am sure "she" works her second job now as a dumb male hooker.
  9. glassgowkiss

    lights out

    what a disappointment- i thought a tough mofo like pink went on milwaukiee av in chicago and started telling polak jokes.. i would like to see him standing up to a drunk Goral.
  10. i recommend straight blade, so you don't spawn
  11. i call this statement a complete bullshit. first of all you don't do friction massage on healthy tissue. and yes, most of people get deep tissue massage (which btw this term means pretty much nothing), since they don't shave their bodies. i pointed out this fact to you, but somehow you have problems with understanding simple concepts. but you did an extensive research by watching a documentary....go figure. btw, since you turned this thing into name calling wankfest i must admit you are just one dumb cunt. You're such a fucking moron. A final comment and then I'm done with your dumb cunt, since you're the one that cant seem to comprehend simple concepts- It's like arguing with a fucking two year old. My original point was that it is the hair that at times creates a degree of friction (relative to smooth skin) to occur, and thus pain, when you are moving against the grain in a foot to head direction (which is best for lymph and blood flow, but you being the expert know this). I never said that friction was the goal. You have yet to make a single coherent point. You're fucking amazing. Ciao bitch. oh, i see you are trained in MLD as well. foot to head direction- have you heard about lymph nodes? and where does the lymph enter the bloodstream? so are they getting MLD or deep tissue (one excludes another)? which one is it you dolt? get lost you friggin troll. you know nothing on the subject. most likely only massage you have ever received was from your daddy in a toolshed at the age of 6 which would explain your current mental development. the single coherent point is that yoyu write a bunch of bullshit on a subject you know nothing about and when i call you on it you continue to write more bullshit on subject you know nothing about. how is that for explanation- is it simple enough happy ass? truly and utterly you are just one dumb cunt with no shred of knowledge about human body. period. now get lost and fuck off
  12. glassgowkiss


    of course you'd know better then people from "The Economist" or Wall Street Journal.
  13. glassgowkiss

    Blue Angels

    just like your mom
  14. glassgowkiss


    dude, you are looking at it now. check the exchange rates! down 50% in two years.
  15. greta wrote: i call this statement a complete bullshit. first of all you don't do friction massage on healthy tissue. and yes, most of people get deep tissue massage (which btw this term means pretty much nothing), since they don't shave their bodies. i pointed out this fact to you, but somehow you have problems with understanding simple concepts. but you did an extensive research by watching a documentary....go figure. btw, since you turned this thing into name calling wankfest i must admit you are just one dumb cunt.
  16. glassgowkiss

    Blue Angels

    don't worry, your heart will fail before you see the demise of america you fat fuck link you shouldn't spew so fast without facts fader.
  17. now your theory on hair and massage is a bunch of bullshit (to put it in mild terms) Don't sugar-coat it, asshole, just do your research and shut the fuck up. Most people do it now because they think it looks cool, with some accident-prone riders claiming cleaning the rash is easier. Both are true to some degree, but if you look back at the old-school elite riders, comfy massage was a big factor. If you truly want to discuss why your weekend warrior cyclists are doing it today, it's because everyone else is doing it, and they are probably a little gay. wow! aren't you an expert! I was referring to your bogus theory of hair and deep massage and the level of comfort- which is simply a complete bullshit. you see i am a massage therapist with 10 years of experience in sport and rehab work (about 25-30 1hr treatments a week for the past 8 years= roughly 10k massages). i worked in the past with some pros (like players from Oakland Raiders) and olympic athletes (members of US Ski team), as well with weekend warriors. fact of the matter is you can have a effective and good treatment with body hair- that's what biotone is for. more of the issue is long hair and neck-shoulder work, particularly implementing STR protocol. so what is your source of research?- please share, and enlighten uneducated masses (including myself)! I didnt see anywhere in your impressive resume, that I can only assume you have posted for the masses to swoon over, where you have worked with Pro cyclists. Nice use of technical lexi- also very cool. My sources include documentaries of some of the classic races such as the Paris-Roubaix, back in the day of Eddy Merccx- when the cyclist were men (shorn legs and all), and you were probably just a snot-nosed little punk. Enlightened now Bitch? Why are you such an asshole? i stand corrected- you are right. i only work in the field- you did a thorough research by watching a documentary! btw it's Baron Eddy Merckx. Arguing with you reminds me of a joke about two tampons walking on the street- which one will say hello first?
  18. FW wrote: guantanamo is where the fuck you belong
  19. glassgowkiss

    Blue Angels

    i am sure your parents or grandparent are really proud of you asshole. yeah- fuck them!
  20. taking aside cm methods (read hippie- stupid), most of the municipalities do a piss shitty job of separating bike and car traffic. painting a white line of the pavement is not a real answer.
  21. I was thinking more like assassinations, economic subversion, sabotage, talk radio--but if you really think holding hands will work... in your statement you clearly support terrorism (and communism- kind of organized terrorism), since you support their methods! don't even try to deny that, your statement is for the record. next thing we find out is that in reality you are just another dick sucking closet ghey!
  22. now your theory on hair and massage is a bunch of bullshit (to put it in mild terms) Don't sugar-coat it, asshole, just do your research and shut the fuck up. Most people do it now because they think it looks cool, with some accident-prone riders claiming cleaning the rash is easier. Both are true to some degree, but if you look back at the old-school elite riders, comfy massage was a big factor. If you truly want to discuss why your weekend warrior cyclists are doing it today, it's because everyone else is doing it, and they are probably a little gay. wow! aren't you an expert! I was referring to your bogus theory of hair and deep massage and the level of comfort- which is simply a complete bullshit. you see i am a massage therapist with 10 years of experience in sport and rehab work (about 25-30 1hr treatments a week for the past 8 years= roughly 10k massages). i worked in the past with some pros (like players from Oakland Raiders) and olympic athletes (members of US Ski team), as well with weekend warriors. fact of the matter is you can have a effective and good treatment with body hair- that's what biotone is for. more of the issue is long hair and neck-shoulder work, particularly implementing STR protocol. so what is your source of research?- please share, and enlighten uneducated masses (including myself)!
  23. now your theory on hair and massage is a bunch of bullshit (to put it in mild terms)
  24. with the designer pussy you could afford designer shoes...
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