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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. po polsku to sie mowi chuj ci w dupe. still waiting for the straight answer on the question. let me repeat: you voted for bush and this administration. they implemented 120 days waiting period for any benefits for front line soldiers. so how exactly do you support them? here are some links: http://www.iava.org/ http://booksforsoldiers.com/ http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ at least instead of empty rhetoric you can at leat sign some petitions.
  2. look- let's put it in the perspective. the guy placed 2 bolts and then pre-placed all the gear. in fact he made it into sort of bastardized sport climb. the climb is graded 13d (again- unconfirmed- one might ask what other routes of that grade did he climb in the past?). 13d or 8b sport is not that high for sport climbing. i think it's probably great personal achievement, however i don't think it doesn't warrant a write up on pages of "Hot Flashes". simply if magazines start writing about every 8b, even in the US, it will be virtually impossible to sift through the mountain of bullshit. historically editors at "climbing" did a really shitty job of checking the stories and were notorious for publishing and promoting what boils down to a complete spray of their self-adoring circle jerk clownpunchers. looks like they are back to their old form Dewd - This is a alot of time and energy worrying about the small details of meaningless junk. Elitism spray is everywhere in every sport. Let's go climbing and make up our own epics and FA's do you like litter? shit like that triggers in me the same reaction as seeing cigarette butts at the base of a climb. i think it also takes away from ascents like this: http://www.climbing.com/news/hotflashes/pearsonthegroove/
  3. kk (is it short from kkk?)- at least i have spine. now back to the topic- maybe you can share with us exactly how do you support vets coming back from the war? for once give one straight figgin answer!
  4. look- let's put it in the perspective. the guy placed 2 bolts and then pre-placed all the gear. in fact he made it into sort of bastardized sport climb. the climb is graded 13d (again- unconfirmed- one might ask what other routes of that grade did he climb in the past?). 13d or 8b sport is not that high for sport climbing. i think it's probably great personal achievement, however i don't think it doesn't warrant a write up on pages of "Hot Flashes". simply if magazines start writing about every 8b, even in the US, it will be virtually impossible to sift through the mountain of bullshit. historically editors at "climbing" did a really shitty job of checking the stories and were notorious for publishing and promoting what boils down to a complete spray of their self-adoring circle jerk clownpunchers. looks like they are back to their old form
  5. You've got some serious anger there, mister green card. Can't even fuckin' vote, skinny little wannabe. Maybe you should take it home, punk. and you are a complete idiot. first of all i can vote since some time you ball licking sheepshag. so get your facts in order before you open your mouth here you fat jizz puke. and talking about taking it- maybe you should stop taking it up the ass you gerbil spelunker.
  6. Obama worries me (lack of experience, unknown quantity), bush= great experience and high quality. u really are a moron!
  7. Chuck is replying directly to that incendiery fuckhead punk GGW, who is reference FW and myself by name repeatedly. no simply put i am calling your washed up bullshit. so who is the fuckhead punk now jizzface?
  8. Sorry, dude, but I'm all for giving our veterans all the support they deserve for their service. And I'm sure FW is too. But go ahead an manufacture our supposed positions on these matters and perform gratuitous personal attacks just for the fuck of it. like what exactly have you done yourself? have you even sign a single petition? T-A=0
  9. I am not arguing ANYTHING about why we went in or didn't. no shithead, you lost your right to argue by voting for him. you still did not answer my question: why is there 120 days wait for the benefits and why over 70 thousand of families of front line soldiers are at or below poverty level?
  10. wonder where the hard core defenders of the stupid are hiding now? wonder how kk would explain a 120 days wait period for soldiers coming back from the war zone? wonder also how would he explain the fact that almost half of the families of soldiers serving in the war zones are at or below poverty level? maybe he can also explain how does this policy make this country more secure?
  11. I agree....but stopping the "blow job" is not as equal as stopping the "cash cow" of money made from the occupation. not to mention no bid contracts.
  12. the silence of people like KK and fairweather only points out how washed out this administration really is.
  13. an independent council can investigate whether a president received a blow job, i would think the investigation into pre-iraq lies is way more warranted. but that's besides the point. the point of my topic is, that soldiers are send to the war zone, they are injured and killed. and after their deployment is done they are left without help, so are their families. and this is absolutely and utterly fucked! and this fuckface is talking about offering his prayers instead of a legit help.
  14. the best method would be to make sure that heads roll- including the president's. a full scale investigation should be in order. but of course the administration would wrap themselves in american flag and claim that any such attempts would be unpatriotic
  15. Yeah, let's skip back 5 years and discuss that issue again. The point now is that we are sacrificing around 800 lives a year, and spending over 100 billion year to do it. There was supposed to be a transition of security to the Iraqis like what 3 years ago? Instead we do the work for them. And there is no end in sight on that. the issue was never discussed. presenting a bunch of lies never constituted for a discussion imo. so where are the weapons of mass destruction? and most of all- where is bin laden?
  16. In my book the significant numbers was around 2,974 no, the significant number is 120 days and 70K. as usual you are missing the point.
  17. first ascent is counted only if the route is led. when it comes to gear routes the gear must be placed on lead. don't get me wrong- i am guilty of pre-placing gear on couple of lines (at smith) long, long time ago. however the style placing gear on lead is established for a long time ever since, hence imo first ascent claims on gear routes using such tactics are dubious at best. vide skinner's ascent of city park and salathe to name a few. in the past Climbing was notorious for running stories submitted by spray-lord wannabe wankers. looks like they are back to the old form.
  18. http://www.climbing.com/news/hotflashes/pizem_completes_513_roof_crack/ climbing strikes again! yet another spray story, most likely submitted by local spray lord going to press without any reason. i don't think it's really a gear route if the gear is pre-placed, regardless of how hard it is. imo this route still waits for a true FA.
  19. last fall i talked to a park ranger there, who btw is a climber. so far there are no plans to allow any type of fixed anchors around newhalem crag. also at this point there is hardly any reason, since much better cliff was discovered around MT Vernon.
  20. from NPR: "Our strategy going forward will be aimed at making sure that we achieve victory and, therefore, America becomes more secure," he said. Just last week, Bush said the high cost in lives and treasure was necessary to halt the spread of terrorism and keep Iraq out of chaos." Hey deepshit- there were no terrorists before the invasion- you'd know that if you did read reports from CIA! here is another cherry: "One day people will look back at this moment in history and say, 'Thank God there were courageous people willing to serve, because they laid the foundations for peace for generations to come,'" Bush said after a State Department briefing about long-term diplomacy efforts. wow! newsflash you fucking retard: T-A=0! let me see- first of all vets who come back to the US must wait 120 days before receiving benefits like health care or counseling. CNN announced today that over 70 thousand of soldiers serving in Iraq and (let's not forget) Afghanistan applied for financial help, since their families suffer hardship and can'r make the end meet. Instead offering them your fucking prayers better raise their paychecks and fulfill your obligations after they come back home!
  21. that is exactly the point! I mean the whole issue was misrepresented from minute one. looks like for now purchase of this several million dollar property secured two things: jack and shit. i wonder which property owner will grant access for several hundreds of cars a day to cross their property?
  22. this is the part i don't get: " We are in negotiations for an easement through another piece of private property that would allow access over the long term", said Anne Armstrong, TLC's regional manager, Okanagan Region. "And we are confident these negotiations will come to a satisfactory conclusion." i thought the land deal was done and now they are planning on road/parking lot/camping
  23. i don't get it. first the access is restricted, then the parcel is purchased for several millions of dollars and now the access is back to Dunlop farm! What happened to the purchase of the lot?
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