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Everything posted by trish_fox

  1. You know trask, you're really a fucking pig. You post shit everyday, and waste bandwidth with your nonsense and vile attitude. This latest attack on women about takes the cake. I'm asking you nice, why don't you just leave cc.com and be gone? Most of us don't find you funny or nice; in fact, you're a nuisance.
  2. It's past noon and I'm horny. Someone step up to the plate and do me like the slut I am.
  3. trish_fox


    Oh come on. I'm looking for 1 good man.
  4. trish_fox


    As our friend Jim Morrison said, "Come on, come on, come on and touch me now".
  5. the verdict is still out
  6. Muffy, you have no point, as usual. If you were to actually have a point, I would rejoice and celebrate with you. Until then, I drink alone. are you calling muffy stupid, you impotent 3" prick?
  7. sc, you pathetic communist piece of shit
  8. Sexual Chocolate, you are an arrogant, ignorant asshole. You bring nothing to the table and stir up trouble whenever your rat-face pops up. Why don't you do the world a favor and go stand in front of a bulldozer. You are dreck.
  9. you got what it takes?
  10. hey shortdick Lunkspunk, eat me bitch
  11. Oh Necro, you make me soooo horny with that kink of talk.
  12. hotcha
  13. Caveman you savage, cum lick me good!
  14. DFA can use a tongue probe to find out. teehee
  15. trish_fox


    trask is a sexy guy
  16. I've about had it with Trask. He sends me inappropriate PM's and asks me for naked pictures and underwear in the mail. I think he's a pig, and just wanted to warn the other gals here.
  17. but we're usually worth it
  18. Bin Laden Appears to be Winning It looks to me like the goals of Osama are being carried out. The people of America are very frightened. When there is a difference of opinion between America and America's allies Osama steps up to the plate and hits a home run with just an audio tape. Divide and conquer. Cause Americans to cower in fear. What are we afraid of? The 9/11/2001 acts caused 3,000 deaths. We have over 30,000 firearm related deaths with over 12,000 of them Murder Every year. We have over 41,000 traffic related deaths with over 15,000 of them alcohol related fatalities Every year. In order to "Protect" Americans this administration has enacted legislation and Executive decrees that reduce the freedoms enjoyed by Americans. This is just what Osama wants. If we are to have a free and open society we will have to put the fear away. Put the attacks in perspective and move on with our lives. Are you so scared of Osama you are willing to give the Federal Government the amount of control over your day to day activities they ask in order to protect you from him? I'm not scared of Osama. I resist the drumbeat of fear coming from the media and from Washington.
  19. a good man, breast implants, nose job, therapy
  20. trish_fox

    Lady in need

    And then there's the oversexed Muffy, that labels innocent posts with her own brand of naughtiness. Gosh girl, get in touch with reality; it's not all about Muffy's libido.
  21. trish_fox

    Lady in need

    Wow. Where'd that insecurity come from? Just wanted a partner, and btw, what makes you think I wanted a male?
  22. trish_fox

    Lady in need

    Sorry. Bellevue
  23. trish_fox

    Lady in need

    Anyone want to climb something close this weekend? I sure could use a good partner.
  24. trish_fox


    I saw it too and must say Leo turns me off. Something about that guy just doesn't say MANBEAST.
  25. trish_fox

    Girl Stuff

    Muffy, you scare me.
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