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Everything posted by NYC007

  1. I have a used pair of skis with 404's on them and a pair of BD ascension skins to go with them. They are a great pair of approach skis, I just dont get along with them, to much falling! I am asking 170 + I will split shipping with ya. I am in spokane, or we can hook up and climb half way. I also have another pair that is I beleive fischers, with 400 or 404's with skins but skis need a good tune up. if interested ask for pics, asking 100.
  2. the topo on here has the mile marker to park at, just go down the talus and follow the well beaten trail.
  3. boots are gone.
  4. gear still for sale!
  5. these are lightly used mens 42 boots. They are gortex. Mainly used on snow so soles look untouched. Asking 100 plus shipping. I also still have a barely used pair of the newest version on the anroid leashes for 45 + s&h.
  6. gyms are open during the summer?...
  7. NYC007

    Popes Realization

    after how many failures and years? GAY
  8. sorry man cant swing it...
  9. there is a book out for Castle rocks but I didnt see it at the ranger station but they have it a teton mountaineering in Jackson.. Alot of the people I ran into there like the falcon book better than the Brigham book but I dunno..
  10. hit the sawtoofs
  11. its was pretty hot in june so its probably BLAZIN then
  12. with a 70 we linked pitches, ended up 4 pitches one being short. I just wish it could be longer!
  13. this is why I dont use clif shots.. funny this there is a difference between a polysaccharide and a disaccharide, more so when your body is digesting them. The osmolality controls how much you can digest per hr. Hey funny thing Twight uses hammer's stuff .. so maybe he likes better stuff now. He speaks on perpeteum on his site too.
  14. beer contains maltose, which is not a complex carb. so i dunno about that.. did PBR write that one. Plus the booze actually competes for the glycogen stores which in turn you can loose out on stored glyc. sorry man alcohol really has few benifits in this realm.
  15. can you highlight sugar, cuz complex carbs arent classified as sugars. Take revoverite drink for instance, maltodextrin is its source of carb then Whey as pro. But sorrry to say that refined sugars are in no way good for you.. Let me shed some brighter light for your vague description!: part 1: Complex carbohydrate (polysaccharides, such as maltodextrin) is your fuel of choice for glycogen replenishment. Simple sugars (mono- and disaccharides) taken immediately after exercise have the advantage of high glycemic index (GI), indicating rapid metabolism, but the disadvantage of being relatively calorie-poor per volume and therefore unlikely to provide adequate carbohydrate nutrition without inciting digestive issues. (Other articles in this guide discuss additional problems associated with simple sugars in endurance exercise.) On the other hand, complex carbs offer high GI, plus ease of digestion and high caloric impact. part 2: Simple Sugars and Complex Carbohydrates – An Incompatible Combination by Steve Born If you look on a container of a Hammer Nutrition fuel you'll find something that you'll probably not see on another energy drink or gel" a warning. For example, on a container of HEED you'll find these words: "Do not combine HEED with any product containing simple, refined sugars. Negative side effects may occur." Similarly, you'll find the following on a container of Perpetuem: "WARNING: Do not combine Perpetuem with any product containing simple, refined sugars." What's up with that? Why are we so adamant about not combining simple sugars with complex carbs? Well, the reason for that is simple: we want you to enjoy your workout or race, we want you to achieve your best possible results, and we want you to do that without having stomach issues such as bloating, cramping, diarrhea, and a host of others. However, when you consume a simple sugar fuel at or near the same time as any of the Hammer Nutrition fuels (which contain no added simple sugars) you very much put your workout and race, and your stomach, in jeopardy. Here's the deal: simple sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose, dextrose, etc) need to be mixed in concentrations no higher than 6-8% in order to achieve an acceptable absortion osmolar value of body fluids (280-303 mOsm) and be digested with any efficiency. That's it. The problem is that a 6-8% solution is a pretty weak mix and will only yield about 100 or so calories an hour, which is inadequate for maintaining optimal energy production. Some athletes realize that and try to resolve the problem by making a double or triple strength batch of their simple sugar product. Unfortunately, that solution is now far too concentrated, it's much higher than 6-8% and, unless more water is consumed or added to the mix (at which point the athlete might very well be flirting with over hydration) that concentrated simple sugar solution will not pass the gastric channels. Energy production is compromised and stomach distress is sure to follow. The same problem occurs when an athlete combines a simple sugar fuel with a complex carbohydrate fuel. The beauty of complex carbs is that they will match body fluid osmolality, not at a 6-8% solution, but a more concentrated 15-18% solution. Even at this seemingly too-high concentration complex carbohydrates (such as maltodextrins/glucose polymers) will empty the stomach at the same efficient rate as normal body fluids and provide substantially more calories (up to three times more) than simple sugar mixtures will. However, when simple sugars and complex carbs are consumed together or near each other, it increases the solution concentration beyond what either source can be efficiently digested at. In other words, when you consume simple sugars and complex carbohydrates together or within close proximity of each other you negate the efficient digestibility of either source. Once again, energy production will be compromised and a variety of stomach issues are likely to occur. SUMMARY: If the athlete consumes a simple sugar fuel the body will only permit 6-8% of it in solution into circulating serum for fuel replacement. Complex carbohydrate fuels are easily and more-rapidly absorbed in a 15-18% solution. More calories are absorbed faster, and are available for energy production, from complex carbohydrates than simple sugar. The higher the simple sugar content, the higher the solution osmolality, the less of it is absorbed immediately. The longer the chain of sugars linked together as a complex carbohydrate the more of it is absorbed in higher solution because its osmolality is closer to that of body fluids. Therefore, the ideal carbohydrate source for athletes is long-chain complex carbohydrates, which is what all the Hammer Nutrition fuels are comprised of. BOTTOM LINE: You don't want nor need to consume ANY simple sugars with any of the Hammer fuels. The Hammer fuels will meet all your energy needs and you won't have to worry about any stomach issues that can occur when you consume simple sugars with them. enjoy
  16. well where does whey protien derive from...milk..hmmm
  17. tru dat john! also if you spend alot of time training and eat like shit, maybe just stop training...kinda counter productive.
  18. use hammernutrition.com 's whey, it doesnt have all the extra crap and additives like all the other ones its unflavored so you can add it to anything plus it has 6 grams of l-glutamine per serving. Stay away from whey concentrate! This is flavorless! Oh and all of Hammer's products are made for endurance athletes! and none contain any simple sugars all complex carbs. Any one that has a flavor has alot of additives, and is usually only 60-80% pure in quality. This is like 98%, highest I have seen. If you want a 15% disc. let me know! My thing is if you are using this for the correct reasons in your training and health why use one with all the perseratives like ALL at GNC plus some have LOADS of simple sugars(CRACK). http://www.hammernutrition.com/za/HNT?PAGE=PRODUCT&CAT=REC&PROD.ID=4059&OMI=10105,10082,10047&AMI=10105&uir=product.category,REC,Proteins%20%26%20Recovery
  19. NYC007

    Summer Job

    sit on CC.com and get paid well for it...
  20. NYC007

    Harry Potter

    someone should tell the ending and ruin it for all who care,,
  21. when you free?
  22. the clove hitch has been used for along time Cassoro (sp) soloed route in patagonia used that method I believe.
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